Dr.Sokolinsky naturopathic system
Use natural remedies with understanding
Delivery in Europe

How to start using "Dr. Sokolinsky naturopathic system"

The body has 79 organs, 30 trillion cells, 4,000 different biochemical reactions occur daily. Do you believe that it is possible to regulate all this separately?

Feeling unwell is not an accident. If you have to spend time caring for your health, then there are reasons in your lifestyle, emotional state, and nutrition.

Naturopathy allows you to increase the body's ability to adapt to the surrounding situation, but only if you are ready to recognize the need for change.

It will be comfortable!

It’s hard for each of us to change anything. Therefore, we offer a minimum of precise actions aimed at regulating the most basic processes and supporting system organs. These are well-designed combinations and therefore everything is very easy to use for you.

The System includes 9 natural products based on high-tech extracts of herbs, amino acids, PUFAs, phospholipids, plant fibers, probiotics, vitamins, and minerals.

For ease of use, they are combined into programs.

Normal use is for three months to obtain stability in the state, and then simple support if the problems have existed for a long time or there are constant irritating factors in the lifestyle.

The use of the system is available in any country. All ingredients are well studied in terms of action and safety, are approved for use in the EU and other countries, are not addictive, do not have side effects.

During the day, taking natural products will take no more than 5 minutes.

Here you can read a detailed description of the mechanism - Dr. Sokolinsky naturopathic system. More details

Here is information about the author and his experience. More details

If you do not want to delve so deeply, but just want to know where to start using the system, then you can apply a simple scheme for taking natural remedies.

To select the course of the first month, answer only 2 questions:

1. Do I have problems with digestion: I can not stand certain foods, is there difficulty with the stool?

- If the answer is yes, then we start with the Deep Smart Detox and restore the intestinal microflora.

The level of metabolic processes, the degree of fatigue, immunity, skin condition, and many other moments in well-being are associated with impaired digestion and microflora. Therefore, you can not ignore them and in any case, start with this.

2. Do I have difficulty controlling my emotional state or sleeping?

- If the answer is yes, then add the Restartium Antistress to the detox program. Since the state of the nervous system affects the regulation of digestion and the general condition very much.

Now you already know what to do in the first month!

Clarification: can I start right away with support for immunity or joints, a diabetes program, or vascular support? Nothing bad will happen if you select only one or two funds from our offer at your discretion. But if you do not follow the technology, then you will not get all its advantages, but it will turn out something similar, as you did before, when you ordered individual drugs online or bought health products in the nearest store. Our strong point is the system!

To choose a subsequent course, answer a few more questions:

3. Do I have the activity of candida, E. coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus, Helicobacter in my analyzes? Do I often get sick with bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, in a woman - with thrush?

- If the answer is yes, then after detox continues to cleanse the body of infections and support the immune system. Use the Immunity Support Program. If the period is from October to March, then add to it omega-3 acids, 2 capsules per day.

4. Does genital herpes bother me more than 3 times a year?

- If the answer is yes, then after detox use a special immunity support program for genital herpes. If the period is from October to March, then add to it omega-3 acids, 2 capsules per day.

5. Do I have a tendency to overgrowth by type of polyps or diverticulosis of the intestine, dolichosigma, atrophic gastritis, cysts; in a woman - also endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, ovarian cyst, mastopathy?

- If the answer is yes, then after the detox for 2 months, use the "Program for stable immunity". Further, it is worth evaluating the changes and making a decision on the further course.

6. Do I have diabetes, metabolic syndrome, fatty hepatosis, overweight, the problem of high cholesterol

- If the answer is yes, then after detox for 3 months use Curcuminum Q10 complex, Ziflanium, Omega-3

7. Do I have irritable bowel syndrome?

Svobodium can be used to support normal digestion for 1-2 capsules for an unlimited time, Restartium Antistress for 2 consecutive months, then a pause for 30 days and again, in the presence of an unstable emotional state.

8. Do I have problems with skin rashes or dermatitis, moreover, my condition is better after detox, maybe there is a violation with the condition of my hair?

- If the answer is yes, then after the first month of detox we continue supporting microflora for 2 months and adhere to the recommended diet.

9. Do I have age-related changes in joints like arthrosis?

- You can use Geladrink Forte or Calcidrink for nutritional support. Curcuminum Q10 complex will contribute to better absorption - for the entire period of admission. Omega 3 acids also have anti-inflammatory effects on joints.

10. Have I been diagnosed with osteoporosis?

- You can use Geladrink Forte or Calcidrink for nutritional support. Curcuminum Q10 complex will contribute to better absorption - for the entire period of admission. Omega 3 acids also have anti-inflammatory effects on joints.

Individual funds that can be used regularly:

NutriDetox. This is a green smoothie that at the same time supports proper digestion and cleanses, and is a source of vitamins and minerals. It can be drunk for an unlimited time, for example, add 1/3 teaspoon in smoothies 3-4 times a week.

Pay attention to the level of fatigue and the state of the nervous system. If your work is connected with a shift schedule or frequent business trips, then the nervous system works with tension and may lack energy. Then repeat several times a year the intake of Curcuminum Q10 complex and Restartium Antistress.

To support immunity, use omega-3 acids from October to March (for regions with a cold and damp climate, from September to April).

Is it possible to use natural remedies without a recommendation?

An advantageous feature of our products is that they are of food origin and can be used independently. If you have a serious illness, consult a specialist. You also need to know some details:

This is not a medicine.

- Individual intolerance is possible but rare
- Do not interact with drugs, can be used in parallel with the doctor’s prescriptions.
- It is possible to cancel medications after the condition has improved only by agreement with the doctor, explaining what you were still taking.
- Follow nutrition and fluid recommendations
- There should be no symptoms of exacerbation. But you need to understand that since this is not a cure for the disease, prevention by natural means may not be enough and the exacerbation occurs due to the development of the disease itself.

Special attention:

- with stones in the gall bladder
- with ulcerative processes
- with mental disorders
- with a tendency to acute allergies
- with type 1 diabetes (taking insulin)

We have been practicing the technology of reception and combination since 2002. We are sure that you will be comfortable and enjoy taking the Doctor Sokolinsky naturopathic system.

Warranty Improvement

Natural remedies cannot be advertised with the promise of a cure for any disease. This is the law!
