Dr.Sokolinsky naturopathic system
Use natural remedies with understanding
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Dr. Sokolinsky naturopathic system - look at your body wisely
This is not a set of different organs, but a single mechanism!

As you know, the Pareto rule states: "80% of the result brings in only 20% of the exact actions."

The rest of the time and a lot of energy we spend on things that give us just a small part of the benefits. This rule is equally true when planning any work, doing business, and for health care.

If you have acute pain, fever, tumors or unusual skin rashes, bleeding and other dangerous conditions, it is logical to consult a doctor and treat the disease.
If the examination did not show the presence of such diseases that require quick assistance? If you have a risk of developing a disease amid overwork or stress? If your immunity is low or digestion is impaired?

Not everyone wants to drink chemicals to strengthen their vitality and support themselves in good shape ... Dr. Sokolinsky's naturopathic system offers a different approach.
We proceed from the classical view of naturopaths: if a person was able to survive for several millennia before the invention of antibiotics, laser surgery, endoprosthetics, endoscopic surgery, tomography, statins and other achievements, then there is still the possibility of restoring the function of organs. This of course does not apply to cases of infectious diseases and injuries.

Modern medicine is proud of its average life expectancy, but as the experience of the coronavirus epidemic has shown, these achievements can be crossed out in a month. But the victory over infections was precisely the main achievement, which compensated for the growth of mental and bodily diseases.
In addition, they began to live longer, but they also became sick with “chronic diseases” earlier. This is longevity in combination with autism, attention deficit disorder, severe allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatitis, cancer or Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer's. And now it turned out that a virus that kills with age can return several times a year.

Perhaps you should still look at the preventive model that naturopathy offers.
If you look at human health in terms of potential causes of poor health, you can identify 7 main areas on which risks depend. The impact on them is just 20% of the exact actions that provide 80% of prevention.

This is the main idea of ​​Doctor Sokolinsky naturopathic system:

1. To Eliminate intoxication
2. To Get rid of systemic inflammation
3. Protect nerve cells from stress
4. Improve cell energy
5. Support digestion
6. Restore microflora
7. Have stable immunity.

If you do not have a severe pathology, listen to the simplest nutritional recommendations, at least take walks in the fresh air every day or have other physical activity, drink at least 1 liter of pure water per day, then you can manage your health. It is enough to pay attention to the 6 most important points of support that you see above.

And it's easier than you think. All these support points are interconnected and you do not need to use a lot of natural resources to implement them.
Is it possible to guarantee eternal life and absolute health if you start using Doctor Sokolinsky's naturopathic system? No doctor can promise you this.

However, you can make sure that our preventive natural system has common sense and any specialist who is familiar with human physiology will confirm that this is so.

1. Eliminate intoxication in the body. She supports the development of most potential diseases

Modern medicine sees the causes of most chronic diseases in an unhealthy lifestyle: malnutrition and poor mobility, as well as the effect of stress. We agree with this, but you can be more precise.

Chronic intoxication - the accumulation of toxic substances used in the production of agricultural products, with chronic inflammatory processes, with impaired digestion in the intestines, with the use of drugs. This condition underlies allergies, chronic fatigue, impaired immunity, and the development of tumors. It causes oxidative stress and weakens cells, which supports autoimmune disorders, atherosclerosis, damage to the nervous tissue such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, etc.

Strong poison acts quickly and a person goes to the doctor. Sluggish intoxication is manifested by symptoms of various diseases, but we do not associate these diseases with it and as a result, they destroy health for years.

If you have reduced immunity, no strength, there are skin problems, body odor, no daily stool - the first thing to take care of is getting rid of chronic intoxication.
Therefore, in the Doctor Sokolinsky naturopathic system in the first place is a program of deep clever detox.

Why the bodies that must cope with the elimination of toxins do not do it qualitatively

You can say that a person has a liver and kidneys and skin to remove toxins. In theory, they should just do their job. But in practice, we know that in most countries, more and more people suffer from fatty hepatosis, gallstones, kidney stones, etc.

This is easy to explain: since the 70s of the last century, the amount of chemicals in the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, fish and in the production of meat, the use of antibiotics and other drugs that can damage the liver and kidneys, simply exceeds all possibilities of adaptation.
Therefore, detoxification organs need to be maintained. Natural liver support products help protect cells from damage.

Antioxidants also protect the cell membrane.

Restoring the intestinal microflora relieves the liver of excess load. And she is able to do her job better. Indeed, a lot of toxins are the result of improper digestion.

Especially high intoxication will be with chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, with the activity of pathogenic microflora (for example, candida fungi, staphylococcus, protea, Escherichia coli).

Goal: maintain a daily calm stool, strengthen liver cells, normalize microflora

In Dr. Sokolinsky's naturopathic system, the following are used for this: NutriDetox green smoothie, Svobodium, Ziflanium, Curcuminum Q10 complex

2. Stress - destroys your endocrine system, deprives you of strength and control over your health

If you feel emotional discomfort for a long time, you cannot fall asleep freely and do not feel rested after sleep, if you are concerned about a weak concentration of attention and increased fatigue - these are symptoms of distress.

Those. your body's capabilities are at the limit. Following increased irritability, burnout, and chronic fatigue, diseases always come.

Stress and overwork underlies psychosomatic illnesses. This is hypertension, bronchial asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, atopic dermatitis and others. One cannot succeed with them until the nervous system returns to normal.

The solution to the problem is always complex. Perhaps you need the help of a psychologist or fellowship with a priest to find new ways in life. Nutrition should be varied, physical activity - daily. Particular attention should be paid to the time when you go to bed.

No later than 24.00 you already need to fall asleep. This rule is 100% important, because then the hormone melatonin will be properly produced in the body and it will allow you to use rest to the benefit of nerve cells and the endocrine system. At risk are those who go to bed late. Most often, this is accompanied by overexcitation of the nervous system and weakens the heart, blood vessels, hormones and immunity.

Amid strong emotions, you feel tired. Your cells “feel” the same. So they have less energy for division and resistance to damaging factors: infection and toxins.
A special problem is created for the nervous system by trips with a change in climate and time zones. For the body, adaptation to new conditions is always stress. So again, energy is consumed. For such trips you need to prepare and support yourself.

In Dr. Sokolinsky's naturopathic system, we look at the problem of stress as deeply as possible.

For example, it is known that fatigue levels may be associated with nutritional deficiencies in nerve cells. This can be corrected by an additional intake of omega-3 acids, lecithin phospholipids, and coenzyme Q10.

A very modern direction is to support the emotional state through the correction of intestinal microflora. She takes part in the synthesis of regulators of the processes of excitation and inhibition: serotonin and GABA.

Finally, lowering the level of the stress hormone cortisol is also quite possible. So you do not allow overstrain of the nervous system, increase concentration.
For this we use peptides from asparagus. A natural remedy is called Restartium Antistress.
Therefore, do not be surprised that on the pages of the site you will find a recommendation to add it to the course in case of problems with reduced immunity, especially with herpes.

Goal: protect cells from stress damage, conserve energy, increase concentration

In Dr. Sokolinsky's naturopathic system, the following are used for this: Restartium Antistress, Balance Advansed Probiotic, Lecithin.

3. Proper digestion gives energy

After all, it’s obvious that for a full life we ​​need the energy that we get as a result of digesting food. If there weren’t so many unnatural products, toxins, stress levels were lower and people didn’t take so many antibiotics, then a varied natural diet could solve all the problems.

But this is the perfect scenario. Alas, many of us want to sleep after a hearty dinner - this is a sure sign that digestion takes energy, but does not.
In addition, the number of people with constipation or irritable bowel syndrome, fatty hepatosis, gastritis, gallstones is huge. This means that you are limited in the variety of foods that your digestion takes.

We pay maximum attention to two organs: the intestines and the liver, since it is they that have the greatest effect on the digestive process and other organs.

Bowel cleansing is not a one-time procedure, but the restoration of the normal movement of food through it, due to the enrichment of the diet with special substances: plant fibers, chlorella, spirulina.

Supporting the liver has nothing to do with the use of choleretic drugs. We need to help hepatocytes do their job better and as a result, the structure of bile will be better.

Friendly intestinal microflora - ensures the correct formation of a food lump, more complete digestion of food, utilization of by-products of digestion, protects the liver, eliminates rotting and fermentation, the risk of inflammation in the mucosa, and inhibits the activity of pathogenic microbes.

The absence of an increased reaction to stress - protects the intestinal wall from spasms that interfere with the normal movement of food and disrupt the nutrition of friendly microflora, support inflammation.
Background to normalize digestion - smart food!

You can be a vegetarian or eat a mixed diet. My recommendations for a person who does not suffer from severe pathology or proven intolerance will be uniform.

1. Try to have the greatest variety in nutrition. Even if you only eat plant foods, do not use a monotonous diet. This reduces the antigenic composition of food and leads to immune disorders and potential problems with nerve tissue. No product should be too much to the detriment of others
2. Control the serving size. As a rule, we always overeat calorie foods. If you do not have a shortage of weight - this is important for you.
3. Fasting can be therapeutic, but large breaks in nutrition contribute to stagnation of bile and the development of atrophic gastritis and diabetes. Breakfast is the most important meal. It cannot consist only of coffee and toast.
4. Reduce the amount of high-calorie foods, sugar, flour. For an adult, instead of milk, it is better to eat fermented milk products.
5. If you eat red meat (beef, pork, lamb) more than 1 time per day and at the same time do not have high physical activity, there is a risk of poor digestion of animal protein. There is a danger of acidification of the body and chronic inflammation. The connection between the excess of animal protein and heated animal fats with the level of inflammation, degeneration of nervous tissue, and cancer has been proved.
6. Limit to a minimum the number of “garbage” products polluting the body: products prepared with heated vegetable or animal fat, drinks with added sugar, artificial colors and flavorings.
If you have a certain food intolerance or a chronic metabolic disease, including diabetes, or bulimia, depression - consult a specialist about the correction of your diet.

The amount of fluid is very important.
There are different opinions regarding the amount of clean water that you need to drink during the day. You must understand that no matter how much you drink liquid, the amount of blood will remain the same. This is called homeostasis.

Drinking more than 2 liters of water per day in countries with normal climates and if you are not working in harsh conditions can be excessive. This will put a strain on the kidneys.

Drinking less than 1 liter of water - does not help to have normal stools, cleanse the blood of toxins, can lead to the release of blood into the intercellular space and swelling, the formation of stones.

Without expert advice, it is worth drinking 1 to 2 liters of pure water per day in the detox process.

In Doctor Sokolinsky's naturopathic system to support proper digestion, the following are used: Balance Advansed Probiotic, Svobodium, NutriDetoks, Ziflanium.

4. Intestinal microflora solves more issues than many people think.

A very important point that was not previously taken into account - the microflora of different organs is a single system - microbiome. You may already know that by the number of genes, all microorganisms inside a person exceed their own cells. They are very diverse in composition. Just a large part of the microorganisms lives in the intestine, therefore its condition maximally affects the microflora of the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract, skin, and oral cavity.

The state of the microbiome is influenced by genetic characteristics, the health of the mother and child at the time of birth, breastfeeding, the history of the use of antibiotics, especially under the age of 3 years, nutrition, stress level, level of physical activity, previous infections, taking medications, especially hormones, the level of different vitamins - especially vitamin D.

Given how many physiological processes are affected by the quality of microflora, it would be logical to improve it.

The main thing to do: a variety of diets, an increase in the diet of plant fibers, a decrease in sugar and flour, the use of probiotics.

Especially dwell on the quality and quantity of probiotics. There is a misconception that a probiotic should replace bacteria that exist in the gut. This is neither necessary nor impossible. Its task is to suppress the activity of pathogenic microbes and create conditions for the revitalization of its own flora obtained from birth. She never disappears completely, but is only weakened.

Therefore, the main advantage of a good probiotic is the number of strains, their low sensitivity to damage by gastric juice and bile acids.

In parallel with taking a probiotic, you always need to change your diet. Otherwise, competition between its strains and pathogenic microflora will lead to excessive gas formation.
Inadequate dose or weak activity - there will be no effect, activity above 11-15 billion or excessive intake - the risk of increased colonization.

Many drugs sold in American or international online stores have a problem - too high a concentration. Such bacteria can compete not only with pathogenic microbes, but also interfere with the activation of their flora.
Today, many people have increased activity of fungi (including candida). Therefore, to restart microflora, simply a probiotic is not enough. He can be supported, for example, using the Curcumin Q10 complex.

After a course of microflora support (usually carried out in the first 2 months), then it’s enough to simply follow the diet and add dietary fiber to the diet. For example Svobodium or NutriDetoks.
Until you have to take antibiotics or other drugs that suppress the friendly microflora, if an acute infection does not occur, you usually do not need to restore the microflora again (rebiosis).

How many advantages a reasonable rebiosis can bring?

In the field of digestion, the improvement of microflora provides:
• Prevention of diarrhea, including after taking antibiotics, taking chemotherapeutic drugs in the treatment of tumors, hormones, statins.
• Prevention of constipation, getting rid of constipation, monitoring the condition of the intestine with irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis, colitis (including Crohn’s disease)
• Normalization of cholesterol reverse absorption occurs, which helps to control fat metabolism and growth of gallbladder stones
• Improves parietal digestion, ie the final stage of the process when nutrients directly enter the bloodstream. For example, bifidobacteria also synthesize amino acids and proteins, vitamin K, B vitamins: B1 - thiamine, B2 - riboflavin, B5 - pantothenic acid, B3 - nicotinic acid, B6 - pyridoxine, B9 - folic acid, help to absorb calcium and iron.
From the point of view of protection and purification from toxins:
• Lactobacilli bind toxic nitrogenous compounds that are formed during the digestion of proteins and do not allow them to damage liver cells and the nervous system. • Bifidobacteria provide physiological protection of the intestinal barrier from the penetration of microbes and toxins into the internal environment of the body. • Suppression of inflammatory phenomena in the intestinal wall and timely excretion of fermented feces, protects against self-poisoning, increases the level of vitality, helps to better control mood.

From the point of view of the nervous system:
• According to scientists from the University of Zaragoza (Spain), TLR2 protein is an important detector of the state of intestinal microflora and regulates serotonin levels. And this is the "hormone of good mood." Therefore, it is known that the restoration of microbiota helps prevent overwork and depression. • Some of the microorganisms that inhabit the intestines also secrete gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is a natural sedative. This explains the phenomenon of normalization of sleep with prolonged use of probiotics. • Both regulators of serotonin and GABA are widely known in medicine and are used by psychotherapists. But lactic acid and acid bacteria are able to regulate their level in a natural way, which eliminates addiction.

In terms of immunity:
The restoration of friendly microflora creates a natural antagonism for the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Taking a premium probiotic builds a natural barrier against staphylococci, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus, Shigella, Candida, Klebsiella. Most often, doctors recall probiotics in the treatment of pneumonia in children, cystitis, pyelonephritis, and bacterial vaginosis. But microflora has a universal effect on all microbes, regardless of their place of residence. Because modern microbiology no longer considers them separately. All microorganisms in the intestines, on the mucous membranes of various organs and on the skin form a single whole - microbiota. And how the infection can spread in the body depends on the balance between the beneficial and the harmful. The number of bacteria in only 1 cm³ of human saliva ranges from ten million to one billion. You can put on your service a whole army of helpers.

Gastritis, Helicobacter:
Long-term use of acid-resistant lactobacilli in their combination is used to naturally correct the level of hydrochloric acid. They have a unique ability to bring the acidity of gastric juice to normal. Bacteria create a natural barrier to the reproduction of Helicobacter pylori. In most carriers of Helicobacter pylori (90%), it does not appear in any way. Therefore, it is important not to completely destroy the microbe, when taking antibiotics causes even greater harm to the body, but to maintain a stable microflora. There is a pharmaceutical "conspiracy" in this direction. Since 2010, the administration of lactobacilli has been included in official antibiotic regimens since 2010, but without claims that they directly affect Helicobacter pylori. This is understandable. Then I would have to admit that antibiotics should be used only in an acute condition, and not just with a detected Helicobacter pylori, as they are doing now. The choice is always yours. You just need to ask yourself before the preventive chemistry: what except bacteria can protect you from the situation that a week after antibiotics, Helicobacter will return again?

For allergies:
Allergic and autoimmune processes are also better corrected when using premium quality probiotics. In modern practice, they are used for food allergies, for atopic dermatitis (eczema), and for psoriasis. Based on the experience of the Sokolinsky Center in St. Petersburg, prolonged use of probiotics also stabilized the state of the immune system in rheumatoid arthritis.
It was established in experiments that with a deficiency of beneficial microflora, the main membrane of the gastrointestinal mucosa becomes thinner, the lymph nodes are smaller and with fewer cells, and the number of Toll-like receptors that are responsible for the correct recognition of antigens decreases.
You have noticed that the reaction of the skin occurs most often to food and also to stress. In either case, the microflora may be on your side, or it may play against you, if the task of strengthening it is ignored.

For women:
It is possible to achieve a harmonious state of the vaginal microflora, the absence of manifestations of thrush and cystitis not so much due to chemical preparations as through the restoration of the microbiota as a whole. Compare: the vaginal suppositories prescribed by the gynecologist contain 1 billion live Lactobacillus bacteria. And this is a short course. You can take a probiotic, where each capsule has 11 billion. And the course is real - 2-3 months!

To cleanse the skin, improve hair growth:
Practice shows that improving the intestinal microflora, while restoring the liver, balance of vitamins and minerals leads to cleansing of the skin with acne, stabilization during psoriasis, creating conditions for normal absorption of calcium and hair growth, as well as for the absorption of collagen for normal skin tone and her healthy appearance.

In Doctor Sokolinsky's naturopathic system to support friendly microflora, the following are used: Advanced Probiotic Balance, Svobodium, NutriDetoks.

Chronic systemic inflammation. It is usually not paid attention to, and because of this, diabetes appears, autoimmune diseases and infections are more severe

You might think that you do not have inflammation in the body if the doctor did not say to drink antibiotics and there are no external signs of infection. This is not true. Tens of millions of people have smoldering inflammation. It creates chronic intoxication, depletes protective forces at the level of the adrenal glands, and upsets the regulation of organs.

For example, with a disturbed intestinal microflora, you have inflammation in the mucosa. It is weak, but unlike the flu, it accompanies you for months and years. Are there pockets around your teeth?

Often there is cystitis? Are there any manifestations of atopic dermatitis or psoriasis on the skin? Discharge in a woman? Prostatitis in men? All these are foci of inflammation.

It is known that with inflammation hormones glucocorticoids are released into the blood. They act, inter alia, on the sensitivity of cells to insulin. Therefore, anyone with flaccid inflammation for a long time also has a high risk of diabetes.

We pay special attention to protection against so-called oxidative stress: lipid peroxidation. Because it is the excess of free fatty acids that contributes to their destruction and provokes damage to cells and the development of metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, damage to nervous tissue and autoimmune disorders.

Even cellulite is today considered a dangerous inflammation in adipose tissue. Against this background, a woman may develop a pathology such as polycystic ovary or endometriosis.

You must understand that to eliminate such inflammation, antibiotics are not needed, but restoration of proper nutrition, body cleansing, normalization of microflora and the level of vitamins and minerals, and against this background, immunity is restored.

If you have foci of inflammation in different organs, then if you come across an infection - the flu, herpes, coronavirus, then the disease will be more difficult because the protection resources are depleted.

Goal: to maintain immunity, strengthen the beneficial microflora, create unfavorable conditions for pathogenic microbes, strengthen control over the level of inflammation.

In Dr. Sokolinsky's naturopathic system, the following are used for this: green cocktail Curcuminum Q10 complex, Omega-3 acids, Balance Advanced Probiotic

7. The state of immunity - a derivative of the level of energy, adaptation to stress and the quality of microflora

In real life, we encounter weakened immunity (frequent colds or chronic inflammation, herpes, etc.) or impaired immunity (allergies, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis). And this pushes the idea to take some kind of tool that strengthens the immune system or reduces the inflammatory response.

But, the main thing you need to understand is that the immune system works steadily in a person with proper digestion, normal microflora, which does not experience a deficiency of important vitamins and minerals and is not in a state of deep stress and overwork.

Therefore, when they ask me: "How to strengthen a weakened immune system or get rid of allergies," I always answer: "Carry out a detox, restore the microflora, if necessary, protect the nervous system from stress and overwork."

At the second stage, you can then use natural remedies that help the immune system better detect foci of chronic inflammation and get rid of them.

Goal: an even state of immunity, a willingness to protect throughout the year, low sensitivity to weakening factors, such as temporary overstrain, stress or a change in climate and time zones, an adequate reaction to ordinary irritants - without allergies, elimination of conditions for autoimmune inflammation.

In Dr. Sokolinsky's naturopathic system, the following are used for this: Curcuminum Q10 complex, Omega-3 acids, Balance Advanced Probiotic, Immunarium
With genital herpes, the special amino acid lysine is added to this and can be used to protect the nerve cells of the Restartium Antistress.

If I have a problem with blood vessels, joints, diabetes or other health problems

You need to understand that Dr. Sokolinsky's naturopathic system is not a way to treat diseases and eliminate symptoms.

There are conditions when you need direct contact with a naturopath or treatment by a doctor.

However, many states are based on the mechanisms that we discussed in this article.

For example, cholesterol levels and vascular protection against atherosclerosis depend on the work of the liver, the state of the intestinal microflora and the level of inflammation and oxidative stress. Therefore, positive changes may occur when first applying the detox course, and then with prolonged use of omega-3 acids and curcumin.

The control of blood pressure is influenced by the addition of coenzyme Q10 to the diet and the level of stress hormones (see Restartium Antistress)

For nutrition of joints in our assortment there are products with calcium and collagen. But they will be better absorbed if digestion works properly. Calcium is also better absorbed in the presence of curcumin.

n diabetes, there is a whole group of natural substances that improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin: these are zinc (it is part of the Advanced Probiotics Balance), alpha-lipoic acid (as part of Ziflanium), omega-3 acids. Coenzyme Q10 affects the utilization of glucose in the cell.

Curcumin has a good effect on the level of the inflammatory response that leads to diabetes.

Endometriosis in women is more difficult due to inflammation.

Periodontal disease can be taken under control by normalizing blood glucose, immunity, microflora and supporting digestion.
You can find many other relationships between the work of different organs and systems. And there is nothing alternative or unconventional. I cite only the facts confirmed by numerous studies.

However, European Union law prohibits the attribution of beneficial properties to specific brands. Therefore, we confine ourselves to statements regarding individual ingredients that are easy to confirm.
