Dr.Sokolinsky naturopathic system
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Program for stable immunity

There are three main factors of reduced immunity: microbiota, levels of inflammation, immune cell activity

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Program for stable immunity (2 months)

Do you want to boost your immunity in order to stop constantly getting sick? Taking vitamins and especially immunomodulators does not give the desired effect? This is because classical medicine does not look at a person as a single mechanism. With the help of drugs and stimulants, you can only affect the symptoms but with the help of natural remedies is possible to influence the causes of sickness. This is our fundamentally new philosophy!

The Sokolinsky System will allow you to fix immediately three main predisposing factors responsible for a decreasing immunity. All natural products are produced exclusively for the Sokolinsky Center in Prague and are not sold elsewhere. It allows us to guarantee the quality of our products. This complex has been successfully used by thousands and thousands of people.  

Where do we recommend to start?

If you have chronic intoxication, which is caused by improper nutrition, an excess of various chemicals and drugs, then start with the Premium Detox Program: Digestion. Immunity. Energy. An important difference of this approach is that we do not just cleanse the intestines, liver and carry out cell detox. The program already includes substances with natural anti-inflammatory, antifungal properties that activate the enzymatic breakdown of microbial films and supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals, chlorophyll, and also significantly affect the overall energy level. You can read more about it on the page of this program.

After you have cleansed the body at a deep level, in the second and third month you can continue with the Program for stable immunity on the page of which you are now. It includes three components that complement each other and therefore deeply affect physiology. If you want to be less afraid of infections, it is important not only to boost immunity, but also provide the body with an adequate level of energy, so there would be a chance to change the ratio of friendly and potentially dangerous microbes.

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Special delivery

Now the cost of delivery of the complex to Russia, Ukraine, any European country is only 10 euros. When you order for yourself and for your loved ones, delivery is free. Try it! Put in the basket all the selected goods. Delivery will please you!

Curcuminum Q10 complex 60 caps, Czech Republic - 1 package

Balanca Advanced Probiotic 60 caps, Czech Republic - 2 packages

Immunarium 60 caps, Czech Republic - 2 packages

You can read more about each natural remedies on our website (for example, through the catalog section).

Curcuminum Q10 complex

Contains only high-quality natural substances: turmeric extract of a high degree of purity (95%), coenzyme Q10 in a scientifically proven dosage, black pepper extract (bioperin 97% purity), which increases the bioavailability of the active ingredients several times.

300 mg curcumin extrakt (95% curcuminoid: Demethoxycurcumin, Bisdemethoxycurcumin, Curcumin + Turmerin peptid)

50 mg L-Carnitine

60 mg Koenzym Q

105 mg Piperin extrakt 96%

gelatin - capsule

Balanca Advanced Probiotic:

Probiotic complex (11 billion CFU):

L. Fermentum ME-3,

L. acidophilus,

B. lactis,

L. rhamnosus,

B. breve,

L. bulgaricus,

L. plantarum,

L. casei,

L. lactis,

B. bifidum,

S. thermophilus,

L. Paracasei,


zinc citrate - 5 mg,

calcium stearate,

capsule - edible gelatin.


Zinc Citrate 35 mg (10 mg Zinc),

extract of basal fungus Reishi 30% - 50 mg,

oyster mushroom extract 30% - 50 mg,

Shiitake Basid Mushroom Extract 30% - 80 mg,

papain proteolytic enzyme (activity 6000 USP) - 5 mg,

excipients microcrystalline cellulose - 150 mg,

magnesium stearate - 4 mg,

capsule - gelatin.

2 months!

Curcuminum Q10 complex - 1 caps. per day in the morning

Balanca Advansed Probiotic - 2 caps. per day in the evening, not combining with hot drinks (After opening the package, store in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days)

Immunarium - 1 caps. 2 times per day, afternoon and evening, not combining with cereals, tea and coffee

The components do not contain dyes, flavors, preservatives or other artificial ingredients, and have low allergy effects. But individual intolerance to the components is possible.

100% authenticity guarantee.

100% money back guarantee in case of individual intolerance within 30 days from the date of purchase at the Sokolinskycenter. Application does not cancel the diagnosis and treatment by a doctor. Not a cure.

In terms of storage conditions for natural products: at room temperature in places inaccessible to children.

1. The premium natural product for reloading microbiota (intestinal microflora, microorganisms living on the mucous membranes and on the skin) is Balansa. Advanced Probiotic. The incorrectly formed microflora of the intestines, mucous membranes and skin, or its subsequent violation due to food poisoning, taking antibiotics, modern nutrition, may be the only reason why the immune system is disordered. The immune system is now forced to be distracted by clostridia, pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli, and mushrooms. Modern studies show that with the "re-settlement" of the intestines with a friendly flora, significant progress can be made both in the frequency of colds and in the likelihood of exacerbations of chronic cystitis, sinusitis, allergies. In the Sokolinsky System, we use not only a high-quality probiotic based on strains of a leading producer of bacteria, but also an author's prescriptions with a duration of up to 2 months. A feature of this particular probiotic complex is the inclusion of a special strain of lactobacilli L. Fermentum ME-3, for which the anti-inflammatory effect and direct antimicrobial are confirmed

2. The Curcuminum Q10 complex is also used to suppress the growth of unwanted flora, support natural anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic defense mechanisms, better digestion, and excretion of microbial decay products. It is important not only to defeat microbes but also to remove their toxins from the body. This action is provided by a combination of 95% activated turmeric extract (from Spain) in combination with an activator of cellular respiration and restoration processes at the cellular level of coenzyme Q10 (at a dosage of 120 mg per day of administration). The Curcumin effect will be especially noticeable in those who suffer from “accumulation of mucus”, which externally manifests itself in a slowed metabolism, chronic runny nose, or a tendency to bronchitis, various growths on the skin and in the form of cysts, thrush. Of course, this is not a cure. But the difference from a simple turmeric spice or even a standard extract is significant. It takes into account all modern research on possible combinations of natural remedies to benefit from this Ayurvedic remedy.

3. The third component of the “Program for stable immunity” is the Immunarium - a combination of concentrated extracts of polysaccharides of medicinal shiitake mushrooms, Reishi, oyster mushrooms, papain enzyme and highly digestible zinc. This combination was tested at the Sokolinsky Center in St. Petersburg for more than 10 years and showed the effectiveness visible with the naked eye on the examples of Meisha, Glucaferon, Spirulina with Zinc, so it was decided to produce this product for the European program as well.

The effect of fungal polysaccharides on immunity has been well proven over the past 30 years, starting with studies by K. Janeway (1989) in Japan. Moreover, it is important that they cannot stimulate immune cells and cause allergies or autoimmune diseases, as synthetic immunomodulators or even such “harmless” natural components as ginseng, cat's claw, bee pollen, etc. often do. The effect is explained by the presence of higher basidiomycetes of beta-D-glucan molecules, which help the body activate the innate mechanisms of recognition of foreign and damaged cells.

Unlike acquired immunity, the innate is less likely to make mistakes because it uses the genetic memory of our entire family. Therefore, fungal polysaccharides have such a wide spectrum of activity - you do not need a separate tool for viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and even tumor cells. They activate the mechanisms according to the principle "own / alien", "healthy cell / diseased cell." Further, the body needs just enough energy and a set of necessary substances to cope with the problem. Now you can better understand why we do not use the Immunarium as a separate tool, but combine it with Balance. Advanced Probiotic and Curcuminum Q10 Complex. 

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