Dr.Sokolinsky naturopathic system
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#Immunarium, 60 caps

Smart product to support innate immunity with betaglucans and zinc

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30,45 €
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In “Dr. Sokolinsky naturopathic system" this tool is usually used in combination

For immunity
#Balansa. Advanced Probiotic, 60 caps

A stable bacterial formula to restore good microbiota: in the intestines and mucous membranes

31,82 €
#Kurkuminum Q10 komplex, 60 caps

Deep cell cleansing and cellular nutrition to improve metabolism, immunity, anti-inflammatory mechanisms, increases energy

43,50 €
For genital herpes
#Balansa. Advanced Probiotic, 60 caps

A stable bacterial formula to restore good microbiota: in the intestines and mucous membranes

31,82 €
#Kurkuminum Q10 komplex, 60 caps

Deep cell cleansing and cellular nutrition to improve metabolism, immunity, anti-inflammatory mechanisms, increases energy

43,50 €
British L-Lizine

British lysine is an amino acid to protect the body from frequent exacerbations of herpes. The classic naturopathic remedy in the right dosage - 1000 mg

22,50 €

Immunarium, 60 caps

Immunarium is a complex that helps you to reset your immunity! A natural remedy that consists of extracts of the higher medicinal basal fungi Shiitake, Oyster mushroom, Reishi and easily absorbed zinc citrate in combination with the proteolytic enzyme papain. Contains 30% active betaglucans and 10 mg of bioactive zinc.

It is produced in the Czech Republic specifically for the Sokolinsky System. Immunarium is not a medicine, it is not an analogue of medicinal antibiotics or immunostimulants. Due to its unique composition, it is a natural, safe and effective tool for harmonizing the functioning of the immune system. Our goal is not just to get the effect only today, but to achieve a stable norm!

It’s important to recover. But more important is not to get sick again.

The success of the Sokolinsky System provides an integrated approach and understanding that poor health always has a physiological reason. Strengthening the immune system is possible only if you eliminate the causes of its weakening. Most of all, it affects your resistance to infections: the level of fatigue and energy at the cell level, the level of vitamins and minerals, especially zinc, the quality of the intestinal microflora and chronic infections on the mucous membranes, stress. Solve these issues and you will be able to strengthen your defenses.

For seasonal prophylaxis of weakened immunity + to relieve candida fungi, sluggish urinary and respiratory infections + for those who are frequently getting sick

Use the Immunarium together with the support of microbiota (microflora) - Balanca Advansed Probiotic, and with cleansing at the cellular level and restoration of the level of vitality - Curcuminum Q10 complex. The course is 2 months. It is understood that the rest of the time you try to adhere to a reasonable daily routine and relatively healthy diet. Together it is a Program for stable immunity. 

If everything is not perfect in your lifestyle, overwork, poor nutrition - then start caring for your health with the deepest program Premium Detox Program: Digestion. Immunity. Energy. This program is made for one month during which you will be freed from "garbage" "in the body and it will have the strength again to restore immunity. Then go back to the Program for stable immunity. 

Herpes with an exacerbation frequency of more than 6 times a year

Immunarium is used in conjunction with a specific natural remedy that inhibits the development of the herpes virus - English Lysine, as well as protecting cells from damage and increasing resistance - Curcuminum Q10 complex, as well as reloading microflora - Balanca Advanced Probiotic. Together, this is the Program for immunity against genital herpes. If your level of stress is markedly affected by stress, then in the first month you can reduce the level of weakening of nerve cells and immunity by stress hormones with the help of Restartium Antistress

The main stages of supporting immunity

Immunarium offers you a deep philosophy for the real strengthening of immunity with non-medicinal substances, of food origin. What do you get from its use in combination with our other natural remedies?

1. Restore the immune cells of the small intestine (lymphoid apparatus) and reset the intestinal microflora. This will reduce the burden on the immune system from opportunistic and pathogenic microbes (Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Candida fungi) and eliminate chronic intoxication, you will get rid of constipation and irritated intestines.

2. Strengthen the defenses at the cellular level with the help of coenzyme Q10.

3. Give the body anti-inflammatory support in the form of an extract of 95% curcuminum, enhanced with 97% piperine extract of black pepper to increase absorption in several times.

4. Help immune cells respond faster to intrusions and recognize hidden foci of chronic infections - give them mushroom polysaccharides, high-tech beta-glucans.

5. Return to the diet substances without which it is difficult for the body to clear the intercellular spaces from the “debris” formed during the inflammatory reaction. There should be enough zinc.

6. If you need to cope with fungi in the intestines or on the mucous membranes, Klebsiella or Escherichia coli, you can use the combination Curcuminum Q10 complex and Balanca Advansed Probiotic for 3 consecutive months, and for genital herpes be sure to use English Lysine. Also think about the level of your stress. If it is high, then protect the nervous system and restore the energy level with the help of the Restartium Antistress.


Wasser, S.P., 2002. Medicinal mushrooms as a source of antitumor and immunomodulating polysaccharides (minireview). Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 60: 258-274

Wolff, E.R.S.E., Wisbeck, M.L.L. Silveira, R.M.M. inducing and anti-HIV-1effects. Phytomedicine, Gern, M.S.L. Pinho and S.A. Furlan, 2008. 16: 198-205. Antimicrobial and antineoplasic activity of Pleurotus ostreatus

Watanabe, T., 1969. Antineoplastic activity of polysaccharides of Pleurotus ostreatus. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 151: 402-412.

Kurashige, S., Y. Akuzawa and F. Endo, 1997. Effects of Lentinus edodes, Grifola frondosa and Pleurotus ostreatus administration on cancer outbreak and activities of macrophages and lymphocytes in mice treated with a carcinogen, N-butyl-N-butanolnitrosoamine.

Refaie, F.M., A.Y. Esmat, A.S. Daba and S.M. Taha, inflammatory and analgesic properties in a rodent 2009. Characterization of polysaccharopeptides from Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium: assessment of toxicity and immunomodulation in vivo. Micol. Appl. Int., 21: 67-75.

A.V.Shnyreva, Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M. V. Lomonosova, Immunomoduliruyushchiye svoystva polisakharidov vysshikh bazidal'nykh gribov, Uspekhi meditsinskoy mikologii, 2004

M.M.Shamtsyan, Ye.V.Vorobeychikov, V.G.Konusova, A.S.Simbirtsev, Immunomoduliruyushchiye svoystva polisakharidov vysshikh bazidal'nykh gribov, Gosudarstvennyy tekhnologicheskiy institut (tekhnicheskiy universitet), Sankt-Peterburg, Rossiya; Voyenno-meditsinskaya akademiya im.S.M.Kirova, Sankt-Peterburg, Rossiya; Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut osobo chistykh biopreparatov, Sankt-Peterburg, Rossiya.

Rop O, Mlcek J, Jurikova T., Beta-glyukany v vysshikh gribakh i ikh vliyaniye na zdorov'ye, Kafedra pishchevoy inzhenerii, tekhnologicheskiy fakul'tet Universiteta Tomasa Bata v Zline, Chekhiya, Obzor pitaniya, 2009

Zinc Citrate 35 mg (10 mg Zinc),
extract of basal fungus Reishi 30% - 50 mg,
oyster mushroom extract 30% - 50 mg,
Shiitake Basid Mushroom Extract 30% - 80 mg,
papain proteolytic enzyme (activity 6000 USP) - 5 mg,
excipients microcrystalline cellulose - 150 mg,
magnesium stearate - 4 mg,
capsule - gelatin.


If you tend to get sick often and for a long time, is likelihood that your have a low zinc level is extremely high.

That is why zinc is contained in the Immunarium in a bioactive form of citrate, which means in the highest possible degree of assimilation, compared with conventional oxide. We don’t get enough of this mineral from food sources, because even if you got it from products, this does not mean that it is enough, because zinc is easily bound by phytins (found in bread, pasta, and other grains) and becomes inactive.

It is this microelement that activates local non-specific immunity - the work of macrophages and enzymes that cleanse the body of dead cells and products of inflammation. With a low zinc content, the number of T-lymphocytes and the level of phagocytic activity of neutrophils decreases.

The rate of restoration of health during infection is also associated with the presence of a sufficient concentration of zinc in the blood and tissues, since it is actively involved in tissue regeneration processes, including healing. The superoxide dismutase enzyme, a protective enzyme with antioxidant properties that prevents microbial toxins from damaging the cell wall, is also zinc-containing.

The faster the inflammatory process stops, the lower the risk of complications and discomfort associated with intoxication. Studies show that even with a deficiency of this mineral of moderate degree, the likelihood of colds increases by 2 times. A famous experiment at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore is an experiment in which children were given 10 mg of zinc daily for 6 months. The number of acute respiratory viral infections among them decreased by 50%.

Extracts of the highest basal fungi Shiitake, Reishi, Oyster mushrooms.

The effect is explained by the fact that fungi contain polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins, peptides, glycoproteins, nucleosides, triterpenoids, lectins, lipids and their derivatives.

Modern studies confirm the presence of natural anti-inflammatory, immunocorrective, antitumor, antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, and cell wall protective properties of fungal extracts, in particular, the ability to reduce elevated blood sugar and cholesterol, the tendency to platelet clumping and thrombosis. All these properties are manifested with prolonged use when included in the diet. Which does not mean achieving the same effect if you just cook and fry the mushrooms, since heat treatment will affect the activity.

From the point of view of supporting immunity, the value of medicinal mushrooms is that beta-D-glucan molecules, different for each fungus, are specifically able to activate the immune response to the introduction of foreign microbes into the body, since substances with similar properties contain yeast and some bacteria. This effect on the deepest level of immunity, when by the presence of so-called pathogen-associated molecular patterns (pathogen-associated molecular patterns) the immune system recognizes the danger by the characteristics typical of pathogenic microorganisms, even if it has not yet encountered a specific virus or bacterium.

Therefore, medicinal mushrooms are so widespread in eastern medicine, which does not know antibiotics and therefore, in order to save people from infections, they had to find another way to stabilize the immune system.

As an additional effect of beta -1,3-D-glucans and beta -1,6-D-glucans: lentinan, grifolan, pleura, their protective properties in relation to liver cells and their anticarcinogenic effect have been well studied (especially in breast cancer gland, prostate gland, oncology of the intestinal wall), as well as the antithrombotic effect, which is especially important for chronic inflammation, because with a long-existing infection, the blood “thickens”.

Proteolytic enzyme papain (activity 6000 USP) 

Worldwide studies of the anti-inflammatory activity of enzymes have already led to the creation of a number of drugs. For example, the use of Wobenzym in the treatment of infections has become a classic. In our formula, we used papain, a polypeptide, a proteolytic plant enzyme from papaya. It is also called plant pepsin, but unlike the gastric enzyme, papain is active not only in acidic, but also in neutral and alkaline environments i.e. throughout the gastrointestinal tract.

It's main goal is to improve the absorption of mushroom extracts in the digestive tract, even with reduced acidity of gastric juice. But of course, the plant enzyme is also able to be absorbed into the blood, where it manifests its anti-inflammatory properties: the destruction of immune complexes and their metabolites, assisting killer cells in cleaving foreign protein, improving blood flow, splitting of fibrin and fibrinogen, and platelet accumulations. This meens that first of all, during infections, proteolytic enzymes play the role of “cleaning” after the immune system has coped with the aggressor.

None of the components in itself is allergic, but individual intolerance is possible. Do not use if you are aware of sensitivity to components. Keep in mind that lifestyle and the condition of the nervous system play an important role in stabilizing the immune system.

Do not take at the same time with other remedys, especially with Chinese, Tibetan and with synthetic immunomodulators, large doses of synthetic vitamins, aggressive diets and cleansing. These combinations have not been studied and are difficult to predict.

Flights with a change of climate and time zones, alcohol abuse, stimulants, insufficient sleep (less than 7 hours), regular hypothermia - do not contribute to the stabilization of the immune system.

Not intended to replace conventional nutrition. It is not a medicine and does not replace treatment in case of acute infectious conditions. This is a product for a healthy lifestyle. 

Do not use during pregnancy, while feeding, not entended for children under 7 years of age.

The only side effect at the moment of taking mushroom polysaccharides which is described in the literature is a skin reaction in the form of rashes on taking lentinan (from shiitake). It is extremely rare and does not require anything but to stop taking the drug.

However, since 2002 in Russia we used shiitake as part of Meisha and were convinced that such reaction is observed only on people with malnutrition (excess animal food, flour, milk, fat) and in cases of chronic intoxication. Therefore, we always recommend use the Immunarium in the background or after cleansing the body and restoring microflora. Drink at least 1 liter of pure water per day, monitor nutrition. Do not exceed dosage.

Immunarium and autoimmune disorders

Mushroom polysaccharides, zinc or papain do not cause hyperstimulation of the immune system and therefore do not pose a risk of autoimmune disorders. This distinguishes the action of natural substances from synthetic immunostimulants.

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