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Program for immunity against genital herpes (2 months)

4 problems of herpes: virus, energy, microflora, inflammation

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The program against genital herpes (2 months)

It is designed to supplement the nutrition with substances that can restore the regulation of antiviral immunity in genital herpes, improve the protection of nerve cells and the genetic apparatus of the cell from damage by the virus, and increase the working capacity and quality of life.

The program is designed for 2 months of daily intake. The focus of natural resources is similar to those that have been successfully used at the Sokolinskycenter in St. Petersburg for 15 years, but the European program is being issued in the Czech Republic, so all components are available for ordering in almost any country, including the EU, Russia, Ukraine.

When to use:

The main focus is made on the restoration of natural immunity against the genital form of herpes. The program also can be used in a similar way with the herpes zoster (the so-called shingles).

When dealing with the simpler form of herpes, a restoration of general health through body cleansing and than the “Program for stable immunity” will rather suffice.

The main idea of the Program:

When even acyclovir in various forms does not help restore protection against the virus and exacerbations occur more than 6 times per year, it makes sense not to thoughtlessly continue the same thing, but to try to eliminate the causes of the body weakening.

What can you do:

- stably add specific natural substances that use immunocompetent cells to fight the virus and which may be missed (English lysine and easily absorbed forms of zinc are used here)

- quickly maintain the energy level, since it is overwork of the nervous system, prolonged stress and general accumulated fatigue that are the most common causes of exacerbation (the program uses coenzyme Q10 in a sufficient dosage of 120 mg per intake, the absorption of which is enhanced by 97% black pepper extract and L-carnitine amino acid as required by studies of its effectiveness)

- support anti-inflammatory mechanisms with the help of a high-tech pure extract - curcumin 95%

- reload the intestinal microflora and microbiota as a whole, putting at their service billions of beneficial bacteria that can neutralize toxins and activate the lymphatic apparatus, protect nerve cells from damage by neurotoxins (for this, a probiotic complex according to the author’s scheme is used and changes in the microbiota are supported by cleansing of the intestines and liver)

On this background the Immunarium (polysaccharides of higher basal oyster mushrooms, shiitake, reishi in combination with a proteolytic enzyme) can directly work with immunity.

Have you ever tried to come from so many sides to solve this problem? Probably not!

Try to influence not the symptoms, but the causes. The herpes virus stays with a person for life and lurks in nerve nodes (ganglia), but it depends on the lifestyle, level of protective forces, a reasonable diet, and largely on the state of intestinal microflora whether exacerbations will disturb or not.

Note that in this program there is not a single medicine and it is not the treatment of genital herpes in the traditional sense! This is a change in your lifestyle in the presence of the virus.

In the Program are only 4 natural remedies that are so skillfully selected that interact with each other and are related to so many causes of exacerbations. All natural products are made in Europe specifically for the Sokolinskycenter in Prague. It is not recommended to arbitrarily replace the components, as in any recipe. 

This program does not include a course of cleansing the body from toxins which is necessary to take in a first month - Premium Detox Program: Digestion. Immunity. Energy. If you are really afraid of a decrease in the level of working capacity and protective forces, the body is literally falling apart and you want to go as deep as possible into a recovery, then start with the Premium Detox Program: Digestion. Immunity. Energy + add the English Lysine, and then go back to this program. This sequence is especially important if you know that you have had problems with the digestive tract for a long time, including disruption of the liver, intestines or for a long time taken medications that negatively affect the liver.

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7 natural products, sufficient for continuous use for 2 months.

Curcuminum Q10 complex, 60 caps (supporting immunity and anti-inflammatory mechanisms, quick recovery of energy at the cell level) - 2 pcs.

Balanca Advansed Probiotic 60 caps (each capsule contains 11 billion colony-forming bacteria of twelve active strains) - 2 pcs.

Immunarium 60 caps (immunity, replenishment of zinc level) - 2 pcs.

Lysine - English 1000 mg, 60 tabs (antiviral immunity, protecting cells from damage) - 1 pc.

Using the program is very easy. It will take no more than 3 minutes during the day. There is no need to follow the clock. The main thing is to observe the dosage throughout the day.

1st month

In the first half of the day:

L-Lysine (1000 mg) 1 capsule per day

Curcuminum Q10 complex 1 capsule 2 times per day

In the second half of the day:

Immunarium 1 capsule 2 times per day (not combining with bread or pasta)

Balanca Advansed Probiotic 2 capsules before bedtime.

2nd month

In the first half of the day:

L-Lysine (1000 mg) 1 capsule per day

Curcuminum Q10 complex 1 capsule 2 times per day

In the second half of the day:

Immunarium 1 capsule 2 times per day (not combining with bread or pasta)

Balanca Advansed Probiotic 2 capsules before bedtime.

In the presence of severe stress and if sleep is less than 7 hours every day, then you need to add Restartium Antistress 1 capsule 2 times per day. It is used in the Sokolinsky System as the main natural remedy for the nutritional support of the nervous system and its harmonization. 

Nutrition and 7 other important rules against herpes

It is extremely important to observe the most basic rules during the course:

1. Sleep at least 7 hours a day. You need to go to bed no later than midnight, so that circadian rhythm disturbances do not disbalance the nervous system.

2. Avoid such food as spicy, alcohol, sugar and flour, chocolate.

3. Food should be varied and fairly regular. Unacceptable hunger.

4. If you exercise, then do not overwork. After training, you should not want to sleep.

5. Watch out for the risk of possible hypothermia. Even cold feet or ten minutes in a draft can cause exacerbation at the initial stage. The same applies to swimming in cold water, skiing, etc. types of activity when energy is being lost.

6. Change in climate and change of time zones imbalance immunity. Unnecessarily try not to travel until it has stabilized.

7. Vaccination, taking new drugs without the vital need, cosmetic surgery should be postponed until a more stable situation.

The usual treatment for genital herpes

The Sokolinsky System’s natural program can be combined with any medicine for herpes if prescribed by a doctor. Natural substances themselves are not a cure for genital herpes in the understanding of the law. Their task is to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a person suffering from herpes in order to influence the causes of exacerbations. The logic of taking natural remedies is simple - if you eliminate the causes of a weakened immune system, then herpes will have no reason for relapse.

Possible contraindications and recommendations for combination with food, dosages, storage conditions, see the descriptions of each natural remedy in it's page. Individual intolerance is possible. Program components are not intended for children under 15 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Before use - consult a specialist.

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