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#Svobodium, 90 caps

Good bowel function is the foundation of well-being

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27,50 €
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In “Dr. Sokolinsky naturopathic system" this tool is usually used in combination

For constipation
#Balansa. Advanced Probiotic, 60 caps

A stable bacterial formula to restore good microbiota: in the intestines and mucous membranes

31,82 €
#Ziflanium, 90 caps

Support for the liver and pancreas with dandelion extract, artichoke extract. Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant with effects on fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

26,50 €
For irritable bowel syndrome
#Ziflanium, 90 caps

Support for the liver and pancreas with dandelion extract, artichoke extract. Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant with effects on fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

26,50 €

Psillium is the seeds of Indian plantain, which are a source of insoluble fiber, recognized in world practice as a natural remedy that significantly affects the level of health. Other names: psillium husk, isfagul. It is a mega-popular natural substance in the world because it is really very effective in wellness programs.

But the quality of the psyllium is very different! Depending on the degree of purity and the ability to absorb water, it can be used either for culinary purposes only or to cleanse the digestive tract. In our personal practice, for three years we tested psillium husk from different manufacturers until we selected the ideal option for the Sokolinsky Center in Prague.

The effectiveness of psyllium is associated with the properties of insoluble dietary fiber, which are contained in the seed coat.

When the crushed powder comes into contact with the liquid in the stomach, it absorbs water, increases in volume, and forms a soft gel. When passing through the digestive tract, this gel is slightly exposed to enzymes, that is, it is not digested, gently stimulates and cleanses the intestinal wall, helps create favorable conditions for the reproduction of beneficial microflora, and slows down the absorption of fats.

The seeds of white Indian plantain are used as a powder for dilution in water or can be placed in gelatin capsules. There is no evidence that this will somehow change the effectiveness.

In 1 capsule: Psyllium (Plantago ovata) - ground seeds of Indian plantain (650 mg / capsule). Vegetable Capsule - Edible Gelatin.

The effectiveness of psyllium is associated with the properties of insoluble dietary fiber, which are contained in the seed coat.

When the crushed powder comes into contact with the liquid in the stomach, it absorbs water, increases in volume, and forms a soft gel. When passing through the digestive tract, this gel is slightly exposed to enzymes, that is, it is not digested, gently stimulates and cleanses the intestinal wall, helps create favorable conditions for the reproduction of beneficial microflora, and slows down the absorption of fats.

The seeds of white Indian plantain are used in powder form for dilution in water or can be placed in gelatin capsules. There is no evidence that this will somehow change the effectiveness.

The laxative effect of psyllium is highly dose-dependent. The maximum dose in the literature - 10 grams per day requires the intake of at least 2.5 liters of water, which is why it seems unjustified.

Based on experience, with irritable bowel syndrome, only 1 capsule helps to ensure regular, calm stools with at least a liter of water per day

Psyllium for constipation

This is the main motive for the use of white Indian plantain seeds in the world.

Psyllium alone or in a combination product can relieve constipation and improve stool consistency. Therefore, it is recommended in Europe and the USA as a stool regulator (instead of laxatives) and to soften stool in people with hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and after anal surgery, also with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis.

The effect of the fibers on the daily stool is explained by their ability to increase the volume of intestinal contents, to positively influence the movement of food along the digestive tract, and to increase the number of probiotic bacteria.

An important point in taking is the need to drink each serving of powder or capsule with at least a glass of water, light herbal tea or juice. During the day you need to drink at least 1 liter of water in the cold season and 1.5-2 liters in hot weather.

Psyllium for diarrhea

With unstable stool, psyllium powder is also used. Since plant fibers have a positive effect on bile secretion, this indirectly helps to improve the enzymatic processing of food. In addition, the fibers absorb water in the intestine and if you drink psyllium with a small amount of water (0.5 liters per serving) or increase the intake of powder during the day, the effect will be the opposite of the laxative.

This information applies solely to chronic difficulties in digesting food. In acute diarrhea, a doctor's consultation is required.

Psillium cholesterol reduction

An increase in the amount of insoluble psyllium fiber in the diet slows down the absorption of fats in the digestive tract.

According to the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), it can be argued that psyllium lowers cholesterol if the complex contains at least 1.7 grams of psyllium seeds per serving.

With 6 grams per day, it has been proven that psyllium can lower total cholesterol levels by 3% to 14% and low-density lipoproteins (LDL or “bad” cholesterol) from 5% to 10% in 7 weeks of administration, as well as reduce triglycerides. It is noted that in people who do not follow a strict diet, its effectiveness is higher, as in people under the age of 60. Eating psyllium with meals is more effective for lowering cholesterol.

The Life Extension Foundation cites data presented in 2004 by the National Association of Cardiology of the United States. According to a study, adding plantain to statins (simvastatin) is as effective as doubling its dose. This opens the way to reducing the side effects of statins, allowing them to be taken in a lower dosage with a high result.

The effect was obtained by Robert Wood Johnson of the University of New Jersey School of Medicine in 67 patients with regard to low-density lipoprotein (LDL) reduction. The course was 8 weeks.

It should be noted that the recommendation of the National Council for the Study of Fibers in the USA, the total dose of fiber should be 32 grams per day to ensure lower lipids and maintain healthy digestion. It includes fibers from vegetables, fruits, grains and natural dietary supplements, such as psyllium. Since not everyone can eat enough vegetables due to the nature of digestion.

Weight Loss and Dietary Fiber

Improving the intestines and slowing down the absorption of fats, if you take psyllium for a long time and in combination with other natural means that improve metabolic processes at the cellular level, this helps to safely lose weight.

When using some drugs that reduce appetite (such as Xenical), there is evidence that psyllium reduces the discomfort associated with their side effect - increased gas formation.

Diabetes and Dietary Fiber

The effect of lowering blood sugar levels while taking psyllium is still being studied, however, according to a number of scientific papers, it is considered so likely that in the recommendations on combinations with drugs, a possible need to adjust the dose of diabetic drugs to a smaller side is noted. However, this means that sugar can decrease smoothly and only with a course intake.

Irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis

A group of very likely effects of the inclusion of psyllium in the diet includes a decrease in bloating, relief of stool and, as a result, a decrease in discomfort and pain in the abdomen with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and ulcerative colitis

Possible interactions of psilium with drugs
Taking the seeds of the Indian plantain in order to improve health and maintain a healthy lifestyle, one must take into account its known interactions with drugs and other substances. If there are no drugs in this list that you are taking, then at the moment there is no confirmed interaction with your medicine and you can take psyllium without controlling anything in particular.

Lithium preparations
Used in psychiatric practice. Taking plantain seeds along with lithium preparations can reduce the effectiveness of lithium. Use psyllium for at least one hour after lithium to avoid this interaction.

On the other hand, if a person who does not suffer from mental disorders and does not take medications with lithium, a trace element hair test revealed an excess of this mineral, then along with specific recommendations for removing excess lithium from the body, you can use the property of psyllium to slow its absorption in the digestive tract .

Diabetes Medicines
Psillium can reduce blood sugar by decreasing the absorption of sugar from food. Watch your blood sugar. The dose of sugar-lowering drugs may need to be reduced. You also need to take this effect into account when taken together with herbs and other substances that lower blood sugar, for example, with alpha lipoic acid.

Warfarin (Coumadin)
Warfarin (Coumadin) is used to slow down blood coagulation. Some people fear that Indian plantain seeds may reduce its effectiveness, which may increase the risk of clotting. But this effect is not proven. The interaction of drugs that reduce blood coagulability and psyllium has not been established.

Digoxin and other cardiac glycosides
High fiber white plantain seeds. Fiber can reduce absorption and decrease the effectiveness of digoxin (Lanoxin). As a rule, any medications taken by mouth should be taken one hour before or four hours after psyllium to prevent this interaction.

Birth control pills
Ethinyl estradiol is a form of estrogen that is found in certain medications, including birth control pills. It is unlikely that psyllium will significantly affect the absorption of estradiol.

Herbs, natural substances that relieve pressure.
Due to the absorption of fluid in the intestine, when taken in large doses (7-9 grams), psyllium can lower blood pressure. This should be taken into account in people prone to hypotension, taking it together with such natural dietary supplements as astragalus, coenzyme Q-10, fish oil, L-arginine. However, this does not mean that it drastically reduces pressure.

If you are taking captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), losartan (Cozaar), valsartan (Diovan), diltiazem (Cardizem), amlodipine (Norvasc), hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril), furosemide (lasix), you should also consider that while using psyllium dose of medication may need to be reduced.

Using psyllium concurrently with iron preparations can reduce the absorption of iron that the body absorbs. It is advisable to take iron preparations one hour before or four hours after plantain seeds to avoid this interaction.

Take 1-2 capsules daily. During the day from 1 liters of water

The most common use of psyllium for irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore, we usually suggest combining Svobodium with the restoration of microflora (Balance Advansed Probiotic) and, if relevant, with anti-stress support (Restartium Antistress). Thus, the effect on the main causes of impaired digestion is achieved.

In nutrition - it is worth observing the restriction of flour and sweet, as well as milk, spicy, fried. Fruits should not be very much. Vegetables are the ones that your body is currently taking. Gradually, the diet can expand.

The course is usually at least 2 months.

With excess weight, diabetes, high cholesterol, you can take Svobodium indefinitely.

Do not rush to increase the dosage. If 1-2 capsules are enough for a normal daily stool, use this advantage.

Psillium has no irritating effect, so it does not have an instant laxative effect. It is safe for prolonged use.

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