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#NutriDetox,175 g

Powder for making green detox drink. Supporting proper digestion. Source of chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals.

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36,50 €
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In “Dr. Sokolinsky naturopathic system" this tool is usually used in combination

For smart detox
#1Premium Detox Program: Digestion. Immunity. Energy

Premium system of cleansing the body and restoring microflora.
A deep approach to the causes of ill health

138,32 €

Powder for making a green detox drink with a pleasant taste

The natural composition. Effective detoxification and simultaneous nutrition of the body with natural digestible vitamins, minerals and amino acids with a high degree of bioavailability. It contains highly natural concentrations of chlorophyll, vegetable food digestible and non-digestible fibers and vegetable proteins (60-70%). Quick and soft result.

Made in Europe specifically for the Sokolinskycenter in Prague.

NutriDetox ingredients in dietetics are known as substances for deep and safe cleansing of the body of toxins, rot products and fermentation in the intestines, contribute to the restoration of friendly intestinal microflora.

This is the right way to normalize digestion. A more proper functioning of the intestine helps to increase efficiency, energy levels, strengthen immunity. “Green Smoothie” from NutriDetox - a unique product for the correction of improper or defective modern nutrition - as a source of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, protein, dietary fiber in a biologically active form.

When to add NutriDetox to your diet

This is not a cure. This is a tool which is intended to correct your diet during detox:

- with dysbiosis, chronic constipation and disorders (frequent urges, diarrhea, colitis, heartburn, nausea, poor appetite), with the formation of polyps and other tumors of the large and small intestines, hemorrhoids, increased gas formation, diverticulosis
- to cleanse of toxins, blockages in the small and large intestines, parasites, eliminate chronic intoxications (with the accumulation of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic, etc., poisoning, including alcohol abuse, smoking)
- to improve metabolism (normalization of metabolism), regulation of body weight, with obesity, normalization of blood sugar (for diabetes), for the normalization of cholesterol (for atherosclerosis), during menopause and other hormonal changes, for hypertension and heart diseases, with varicose veins
- with anemia to raise low hemoglobin
- when taking antibiotics and after taking
- with stress, with chronic fatigue syndrome
- to improve the condition of hair, skin, nails, with cellulite, with problem skin (acne, acne)
- for the prevention of osteoporosis
- any types of allergies (skin, food, medication, respiratory)
- to support immunity, normalize sleep, nervous and hormonal systems
- with headaches and dizziness
- with increased risk of malignant neoplasms
- with bad breath, plaque on the tongue, excessive sweating, irritability, fatigue, weakness

Further information on the action of the ingredients can be found below.

What changes you notice when you are using NutriDetox

Daily stable stool, relief from constipation and indigestion, weakness of the stomach and lethargy of the intestines.

Normal digestion, improved digestion and ease in the stomach. Self-regulation of metabolism and calm normalization of weight. The condition of the skin, hair, and nails improves. More energy appears, health increases, immunity strengthens due to alkalization of the body, normalization of acid-base balance and saturation with useful substances.

However, you need to understand that the human body is complex and that many factors influence the state of health, including stress level, duration of illnesses, treatment and operations performed, proper nutrition and sufficient water.

175 g composition:
High Purity Psyllium Seed Powder - 113 g
High quality spirulina - 25 g
Chlorella - 25 g
Inulin - 8 g
Plant enzyme papain - 2 g
Cayenne pepper - 2 g.
Nutrition value (per 100 g)
proteins (g) - 20
fats (g) - 2
carbohydrates (g) - 10
dietary fiber (g) - 65
Kcal - 125

NutriDetoks - focus on the condition of the intestinal mucosa, microflora, replenishment of vitamins and minerals:

Psyllium, a high-quality seed powder of Indian plantain seeds, is the world's No. 1 natural dietary supplement for relieving constipation and irritated bowels.

It is included in diets for irritable bowel syndrome and all problems associated with stool disorders. It consists of special plant fibers.
When it is mixed with water and gastric juice, it increases in volume by several times, forms a gel-like structure, therefore it moves very gently along the digestive tract, carries with it the products of decay, decay and fermentation, cleanses the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

It helps the growth of friendly microflora, normalizes intestinal motility, eliminates gas formation, flatulence, bloating, heals microtraumas on the walls of internal organs.

The indigestible and digestible dietary fiber of psyllium binds fats and helps to remove them along with by-products of the digestive process, excess mucus.

As a result, food begins to move more quickly and evenly through the digestive tract, is better digested, and vitamins, minerals, amino acids contained in spirulina and chlorella are effectively absorbed in the intestine.

Own microflora has the opportunity to help the mucous membranes get rid of chronic inflammation, the intestines are freed from “blockages”, which reduces the general intoxication of the body.

Spirulina - microalgae: protein content of more than 60%, as well as: gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), linoleic acid (LA), stearidonic acid (SDA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA). Vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinamide), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin E. Spirulina is a source of potassium, chromium, calcium, copper , iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, selenium and zinc. It contains many pigments, such as beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, type A chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll, as you know, helps to activate cellular respiration, cell renewal, normalization of antiviral, antitumor, antimicrobial immunity. Helps reduce allergic mood, normalizes metabolism, hormonal levels.

Chlorella is a unique microalgae that is a source of carotene, vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, C, provitamin D, K, PP, E, folic acid, biotin. The dry biomass of algae contains up to 55% protein, 30-35% carbohydrates (most of which are dietary fiber), up to 10% lipids (80% of them are unsaturated fatty acids), more than 10% of minerals. Chlorella protein contains several tens of essential amino acids! On the planet, no other such plant culture has been identified that would contain vitamins and minerals in such quantities. The high nutritional ability of chlorella is undeniable. Also unique is the ability to remove heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, lead, aluminum, etc.), and to cleanse the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. This algae activates regenerative processes, strengthens the immune system, supports the growth of friendly microflora and the functioning of the intestinal lymphoid apparatus. This is confirmed by numerous scientific studies.

Cayenne pepper - the most famous, oldest natural remedy. It is used to activate anti-inflammatory mechanisms in the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, inhibit the activity of fungi, Helicobacter pylori, other pathogenic microorganisms, and cleanse parasites.

The enzyme papain is a plant proteolytic and anti-inflammatory enzyme enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of proteins, peptides, amides and esters of basic amino acids. It also activates the breakdown of microbial films, facilitates the release of toxins, especially if there is a large amount of animal protein in the diet and contributes to the high-quality assimilation of the protein.

Inulin - fructooligosaccharides from Jerusalem artichoke, an indispensable substance that promotes the growth of friendly microflora in the intestine.

Taking NutriDetox is easy!

For 1 \ 3-1 \ 2 teaspoon 1-2 times a day in a glass of water.

It is optimal to drink it 15-20 minutes before eating on an empty stomach.

Measure the powder with a dry spoon, pour it into a dry glass, pour clean (possibly filtered) water at room temperature and stir. The drink is ready to drink! Drink it right away!

It is important to observe the drinking regime! Please drink additional water per day. In total, you need to drink at least 1 - 1.5 liters of pure water.

You can make smoothies and smoothies using NutriDetox, as well as add it to vegetable and fruit juices

Store in a dry place at room temperature.

1 pack of NutriDetox 175g is usually enough for 2 months of daily use.

The product does not have absolute contraindications and has a low allergy effects. Individual sensitivity is possible.

It is recommended to increase the dose gradually with constipation or irritable bowel syndrome.

NutriDetox does not replace the main diet. It is not used as food for preschool children, pregnant and lactating.

Do not use without specialist advice after bowel surgery and with complete obstruction.

Contains no colorants, flavors, preservatives or other artificial ingredients. Suitable for vegetarian food and raw food diet.

Application does not cancel the diagnosis and treatment by a doctor.
It is not a dietary supplement and medicine.

Nutrition during the cleansing process

You will achieve a greater effect if you limit the amount of fatty and meat foods, alcohol, flour, milk, products containing unnatural dyes and preservatives, flavorings.

NutriDetox is used in the initial detox program - for a month.

Further, it can be drunk 3-4 times a week to support proper digestion, as a source of plant fiber, vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. The total duration is not limited.

It’s more convenient and pleasant to add it to the smoothie than to dilute it with water

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