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#Balansa. Advanced Probiotic, 60 caps

A stable bacterial formula to restore good microbiota: in the intestines and mucous membranes

Our Price:
31,82 €
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In “Dr. Sokolinsky naturopathic system" this tool is usually used in combination

For immunity
#Immunarium, 60 caps

Smart product to support innate immunity with betaglucans and zinc

30,45 €
#Kurkuminum Q10 komplex, 60 caps

Deep cell cleansing and cellular nutrition to improve metabolism, immunity, anti-inflammatory mechanisms, increases energy

43,50 €
For constipation
#Svobodium, 90 caps

Good bowel function is the foundation of well-being

27,50 €
#Ziflanium, 90 caps

Support for the liver and pancreas with dandelion extract, artichoke extract. Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant with effects on fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

26,50 €
For chronic fatigue
#Kurkuminum Q10 komplex, 60 caps

Deep cell cleansing and cellular nutrition to improve metabolism, immunity, anti-inflammatory mechanisms, increases energy

43,50 €
#Restartium Antistress, 60 caps

Reduce the level of stress hormones and emotional lability, improve sleep quality, mental concentration. 100% natural

51,50 €
Coenzyme Q10, liquid form stabilized with tocopherol, 90 caps

A classic of naturopathy to support the heart, energy levels, reduce fatigue, for the weakened and the elderly. Profitable packaging!

29,00 €
Omega-3 stabilized by tocopherol, 90 caps

Fish oil is a classic naturopathic nutritional supplement for cleansing blood vessels, supporting good cholesterol, immunity, chronic fatigue, and arthritis

15,00 €
For genital herpes
#Immunarium, 60 caps

Smart product to support innate immunity with betaglucans and zinc

30,45 €
#Kurkuminum Q10 komplex, 60 caps

Deep cell cleansing and cellular nutrition to improve metabolism, immunity, anti-inflammatory mechanisms, increases energy

43,50 €
British L-Lizine

British lysine is an amino acid to protect the body from frequent exacerbations of herpes. The classic naturopathic remedy in the right dosage - 1000 mg

22,50 €

Advanced Probiotic Premium Balance in the Dr. Sokolinsky naturopathic system is the result of choosing from hundreds of manufacturers' offers on the European market. Today, with the help of a probiotic, it is customary not only to displace infections from the digestive tract and to build stools. There is a whole technology of rebiosis through which immunity, fat metabolism and even emotional state can be naturally affected by digestion.

Since 2019, we have been offering the second generation, where the basic strains of lactobacillus and bifidobacteria are combined with a unique strain of Lactobacillus fermentum ME3 isolated at the University of Tartu in one-year-old healthy children, whose health was then observed until they were 12 years old. A lot of research has been done on its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity.

The properties were confirmed to positively influence the processes of metabolism, vascular cell aging, and the reduction of low-density bad cholesterol (Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 - antimicrobial and antioxidant probiotic Marika Mikelsaar and Mikel Zilmer. Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry, University of Tartu).

The anti-inflammatory properties of this lactobacillus are also manifested in sluggish processes and even in nervous tissue. Antimicrobial properties were tested against pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli (important for urinary tract infections), Salmonella, dysentery bacillus, fungi, streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori.
At the same time, the probiotic survives well in the digestive tract due to microencapsulation technology. The degree of resistance to acid and bile of the human isolate was thoroughly studied and showed its ability to remain viable for 2 hours at pH 2 and grow in a medium with the usual amount of bile acids. (Pereira D.I., Gibson G.R. Assimilation of cholesterol by lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria isolated from the human intestine. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2002; 68: 4689–93).

But not only the combination of 11 strains of lacto and bifidobacteria with Lactobacillus fermentum ME3 is the highlight of the II generation of our probiotic complexes.

We also took into account that in the regulation of metabolic processes, healing of mucous membranes, anti-inflammatory mechanisms and the level of energy and immunity, a major role is played by the zinc microelement activator. Moreover, according to WHO, this substance is in short supply in a significant number of people. To accurately replenish it, we included zinc citrate in the composition. Its assimilation in comparison with other forms is optimal.

If you are still not convinced of the importance of resetting microflora for a person suffering from metabolic disorders, reduced immunity, overworked, and having difficulty digestion, then read the book by the authoritative American microbiologist Rodney Dietert, “The Human Super-Organism.”
It tells about the latest amazing discoveries in the field of medicine, confirming that many diseases of civilization are actually caused by the change in the last decades of the microflora of the intestines, skin and mucous membranes. Antibiotics in the form of drugs have caused a real epidemic of chronic diseases. But even more harmful are antibiotics and toxic chemicals that are used in agriculture, which we are not even used to remember. Every person now receives a daily dose of chemistry that the liver can no longer cope with.

The monograph of the most famous doctor in Russia Dr. Academician E. I. Tkachenko “Nutrition, microbiocenosis and human intellect” could make a great impression on everyone. At the moment, it has been proven how strongly not only mood, but also memory and attention depend on our little neighbors - microbes.

We are sure that after you have learned the truth about the bacteria living inside you, you will no longer be so calm about the revealed E. coli, clostridia or fungi in the form of a yeast infection, with which many women put up with it. Supporting friendly microflora is the most deep and systematic natural approach.

Microbiota reloading is especially positive for children with reduced immunity, increased fatigue, a weakened nervous system, celiac disease, lactose intolerance, and atopic dermatitis.

Microbiota recovery: displacement of pathogenic microorganisms without the use of chemicals, correction of immunity through the microflora of the small intestine, purification of toxins at the intestinal level to protect against liver damage, protection of the nervous system from damage by neurotoxins, mood correction for depression, prevention of colon tumors, increased efficiency, getting rid of thrush and cystitis - we are not used to waiting for this from a probiotic. Not everyone knows that the condition of the skin, the level of cholesterol, the risk of diabetes, and excess weight depend on the quality of the intestinal microflora.

However, for different strains of beneficial bacteria, these effects have already been scientifically confirmed.

When is it important to activate friendly microflora?

For proper digestion:

• to prevent diarrhea, including after taking antibiotics, taking chemotherapeutic drugs in the treatment of tumors, hormones, statins;

• to prevent constipation, get rid of constipation, to monitor the condition of the intestine with irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis, colitis (including Crohn’s disease);

• to normalize the reverse absorption of cholesterol, which helps to control fat metabolism and prevent the growth of gallbladder stones;

• to improve parietal digestion and normal absorption of nutrients.

To protect and cleanse the body of toxins. The microflora of the colon neutralizes nitrogen compounds "in place", strengthens the intestinal wall as a barrier against the ingress of toxins - ammonium, amides, thiols, skatol, etc., which reduces the load on the liver and nervous system.

To strengthen the nervous system. Studies show that microflora disturbance not only causes depression, but also worsens memory and attention, creates a risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. (Holdeman L.V., Khoroshiy I.Ya., Moore V.E. Human fecal flora: changes in the bacterial composition of people and the possible effect of emotional stress. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1976; 31: 359–75).

With high cholesterol

A study of older people over 65 years of age showed lower cholesterol in people with a higher number of live lactobacilli in the gastrointestinal tract (M. Mikelsaar et al.). The action of Lactobacillus fermentum ME3 is aimed at restoring the balance between "good" and "bad" cholesterol. Naturally, this leads to an increase in the level of energy that is obtained from fats.

To restore immunity and protect it from external harmful factors (taking a premium probiotic builds a natural barrier against staphylococci, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus, Shigella, Candida, Klebsiella, etc.).

For infections in the upper respiratory tract and urinary tract, especially in women (including thrush)

In the presence of gastritis, Helicobacter pylori. With low Helicobacter activity, lactobacilli harmonize the state of the gastric mucosa, protect against inflammation, damage with high acidity and tumor formation with low. With the course of taking drugs with Helicobacter, they are recognized as a way to reduce the side effects of therapy.

With various allergies and atopic dermatitis.

It was proved by the introduction of the strain of lactobacilli ME-3 to healthy volunteers and adults suffering from atopic dermatitis, which leads to a decrease in lipid peroxidation in both blood and skin.

To cleanse the skin with various rashes, with acne, to improve hair growth.

Probiotic complex (11 billion CFU): L. Fermentum ME-3 + L. acidophilus, B. lactis, L. rhamnosus, B. breve, L. bulgaricus, L. plantarum, L. casei, L. lactis, B. bifidum , S. thermophilus, L. Paracasei, inulin, zinc citrate - 5 mg, calcium stearate, capsule - edible gelatin

Take 2 capsules Balansa. Advanced Probiotic - in the evening.

Repeat throughout the year can be several times. Especially if there has been food poisoning or had to drink antibiotics. When taking hormonal drugs - according to the scheme month / month
The usual duration of admission is 2-3 months in a row.

The program supports the level of energy, emotional state, sleep - since the microbiota affects the balance of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system (serotonin and gamma aminobutyric acid).

In a digestion support program with NutriDetox or Svobodium, as well as Ziflanium
In the immunity support program - along with Curcuminum Q10 complex and Immunarium

After taking antibiotics - in the immunity support program

For children, pregnant and lactating women, consultation is recommended. Side effects to date, the manufacturer has not been identified. If you are hypersensitive to components, consult your doctor before taking.

Not intended for use in children under 3 years of age.

Lactose free, gluten free. If you avoid animal protein, you can sprinkle the contents of the capsule

Try using special, modern probiotics in a smart way. Feel the difference!

Balance sheet. Advanced Probiotic. This is a premium probiotic complex that was produced specifically for the Sokolinsky Center in Prague.

We chose the optimal formula based on bacterial strains, the well-known manufacturer of probiotics, added a unique strain of Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3, prebiotic fructo-oligosaccharides and an easily digestible form of zinc citrate to it.

What is the cardinal difference between these beneficial bacteria from the others on the market?

1. Firstly, a comprehensive selection of probiotic strains! In each capsule Balansa. Advanced Probiotic contains from 11 billion colony-forming bacteria of twelve active strains at once. This huge amount of beneficial bacteria can change the microbiota of the whole organism, that is, replace microflora with a friendly one that is resistant to negative influences - chemicals in food, gastric juice and antibiotics. Bacteria are freeze dried using a patented technology that ensures the preservation of quality at room temperature.

2. Secondly - the inclusion of rare active ingredients
Lactobacillus fermentum ME3 is a special strain of beneficial bacteria, patented in Europe at the University of Tartu in 2006, based on studies of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity.

We are talking about the fact that beneficial microflora has been confirmed to positively influence the processes of metabolism, aging of vascular cells, energy metabolism of cholesterol and inflammatory processes, including in the nervous tissue. (Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 - antimicrobial and antioxidant probiotic Marika Mikelsaar and Mikel Zilmer. Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry, University of Tartu)

In this case, the probiotic survives well in the digestive tract due to microencapsulation. The degree of resistance to acid and bile of the human isolate was thoroughly studied and showed its ability to remain viable for 2 hours at pH 2 and grow in a medium with the usual amount of bile acids. (Pereira D.I., Gibson G.R. Assimilation of cholesterol by lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria isolated from the human intestine. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2002; 68: 4689–93).
The ability of this bacterium to simultaneously suppress pathogenic microorganisms and enhance the antioxidant activity of food products has been filed in the US patent application. Tests showed antagonism to Escherichia coli, Salmonella, fungi, staphylococcus, dysentery bacillus.

3. Thirdly, safety! It is important that the capsules Balansa. Advanced Probiotic does not contain lactose, gluten and are not allergic, therefore, their proper intake is absolutely safe and they can be used by everyone.

4. Fourth - the right course! Very often people make the mistake of believing that the weeks of taking probiotics are enough to restore the microflora of the body. In fact, the body needs several months in order to “oust” the pathogenic microflora and replace it with a friendly one.
The metabolites secreted by strain ME-3 into the gastrointestinal tract can be used as a substrate by other lactobacilli - i.e. we do not overload the microflora with one type of bacteria, but contribute to the formation of equilibrium.

In the literal sense, this is a war in your body, a war for your health. And the best thing you can do, day after day, consistently and intelligently help your body, send strong "wars" to help it. We recommend taking Balansa. Advanced Probiotic 2-3 months. This is the optimal period that is needed to restore useful microflora not only. We also combine the use of bacteria with the support of the liver and enzymatic activity, natural anti-inflammatory components.

5. The addition of zinc citrate to probiotics is extremely rare in pharmacy formulas. Although it is very logical! Zinc is involved in most hormonal and enzymatic reactions. Its level is very important for the correction of metabolic processes, immunity, the level of inflammatory reaction and detox. We use zinc citrate in the formula - the most digestible. At a dosage of 10 mg per day - sufficient, but not causing excess.

6. We won’t talk about inulin very much. The combination of probiotic and prebiotic (symbiotic mixture) is the gold standard in nutritional science. It is necessary at the moment of contact of friendly flora with the contents of the digestive tract, to provide for it a more friendly nutrient medium. This role is playe

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