Dr.Sokolinsky naturopathic system
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#1Premium Detox Program: Digestion. Immunity. Energy

Premium system of cleansing the body and restoring microflora.
A deep approach to the causes of ill health

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138,32 €
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In “Dr. Sokolinsky naturopathic system" this tool is usually used in combination

For smart detox
#NutriDetox,175 g

Powder for making green detox drink. Supporting proper digestion. Source of chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals.

36,50 €

The philosophy of this program is based on an understanding of human physiology and is based not only on classical biochemistry, but also knowledge of oriental medicine.
Internal intoxication is the cause of poor health in most cases. This is what you can feel without any analysis: in the form of lack of energy, poor immunity, rashes on the skin, bad body odor, emotional irritability.

Action of toxins

If you have chronic inflammation or allergies, constipation or irritated bowels, overweight or fatigue, this is 100% indicative of chronic intoxication.
Each toxin acts in a different way - some damage the cell wall and make it weak before infections, others negatively affect nerve cells, and others trigger the mechanism of inflammation and the formation of tumors.
In a normal situation, the body is able to neutralize toxins on its own. This works until three boundaries of defense are violated: liver function, intestinal function, good microflora in the intestine, and also if you drink more than 1 liter of pure water per day.

Around modern population, the amount of chemicals is so great that the mechanisms for their elimination often fail.

We have food products in which there are residues of pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, hormones, dyes, flavors, preservatives, an excess of carbohydrates and meat food - violates the protection. Excessive heated animal fats in the diet, weak inflammation in various organs, stress also support the activity of free radicals, which then damage the cells. Most drugs pass through the pathway of neutralization through liver enzymes.

Eastern medicine believes that the accumulation of toxins is the main cause of chronic fatigue, the formation of tumors, allergies, poor mood and weak immunity.

Is it not enough to just drink more water or eat more vegetables?

There are no studies that claim that proper nutrition is not enough for detox. Such tests would not be beneficial to producers of fertilizers and other chemicals in the food industry. But we rely on the experience of our own observations. Many who came to us for advice on genital herpes, chronic fatigue, diabetes, and other disorders led a healthy lifestyle and were vegetarians, they lived in countries with different climates, had high physical activity, and some even used only products from farmers. Unfortunately, this did not help them. The reason may be that any food product contains the remnants of the chemistry that was used to grow this vegetable, fruit or meat, fish. Its just more or less. Therefore, we consider the advice simply to eat more vegetables or engage in raw food diet - important, but not enough.

Procedures such as Ayurvedic detox or increasing the amount of water up to 2.5 liters, cleansing the intestines with enemas can also be useful, but they are not complex, in particular, they do not affect the activation of liver cell recovery, antioxidant defense, and microflora. Therefore, they can give a temporary effect, but do not restore the work of their organs. It is great to carry out such procedures during the holidays, but not very convenient - in the work schedule.

Next, you will read about deep complex detox. You can try it yourself and see how the support of the intestines, liver, microflora makes life easier.

In this program, we use ingredients that have proven properties. It is important that they are used simultaneously, since we do not examine organs “in vitro” (in vito), but see in front of us a real person whose organs interact with each other.
You will now read about many physiological mechanisms that can be influenced with the help of deep clever detox. But this does not mean that you have to follow complex instructions. This is the value of a smart approach - the necessary substances are collected in just 4 formulas that are easy to use!

Detox directions:

1. Supporting the proper release of the intestines, improving digestion - reduces the amount of toxins that need to then neutralize the liver. In addition, food retention in the intestines is a risk of inflammation in the mucosa, intestinal cancer, and allergies. Our goal is comfortable deficiency every day!

2. Activation of good intestinal microflora. It helps to manage immunity (including with allergies and autoimmune disorders), reduces the risk of inflammation in the intestines, is necessary for proper carbohydrate and fat metabolism (including diabetes, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis).
The state of microflora is associated with other points: daily stool, sufficient fiber, a decrease in fast carbohydrates (from sugar, flour), stress management. The necessary background for detox will be discussed later.

3. Support for the breakdown of microbial films, natural anti-inflammatory effects on the mucosa, antioxidant effect - plant enzymes and activated curcumin can perform this function.

4. Suppression of rotting and fermentation during improper digestion due to superfoods of chlorella and spirulina, psyllium fibers, microdose of cayenne pepper

5. Protection of liver cells from damage, improving the structure of bile to remove toxins in a bound state and better release of the intestines, activation of their own enzymes

6. Antioxidant cell protection. A decrease in antioxidant load affects the risks of vascular aging, inflammation in adipose tissue such as cellulite, metabolic syndrome, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative disorders.

7. Restoring the level of vitamins and minerals involved in protecting against infections, the work of hormones and enzymes. When using food sources

8. Improving the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats including directly in the cell, which improves the formation of cellular energy and makes the cell more stable.

9. If necessary, we also reduce the level of stress hormones in order to protect nerve cells from damage by oxidative stress and the body as a whole from depletion. Stress also causes spasms of blood vessels, so they need to be controlled.

Safety and low risk of allergies

During the period of using the deep detox program, we did not receive messages from clients about the occurrence of acute allergies or other severe intolerance. It can be assumed that this is due to the lack of ingredients that cause exacerbation of chronic problems that irritate the body or stimulate the immune system.

Especially it should be noted that all the vitamins, trace elements in the program are of food origin, which does not create an additional load on the excretion system.

To obtain the desired effects, we do not use a dosage increase, which is characteristic of the "American" model in nutritionology, but use research data on which substances to use to enhance the assimilation of the necessary ingredients. This allows for clever detox.

The program includes 4 packs of natural products:

NutriDetox 175 g. - 1 package

This is a powder for preparing a green detox cocktail, contains: psyllium, spirulina, chlorella, inulin, a micro dose of cayenne pepper and the plant enzyme papain.

Ziflanium 60 caps - 1 package

dandelion extract (Cynara scolymus extract) - 200 mg,

artichoke extract (Taraxacum officinale root extract) - 100 mg,

alpha lipoic acid (Alpha lipoic acid) - 50 mg.

Vegetable Capsule - Edible Gelatin.

Curcuminum Q10 complex 60 caps - 1 package

300 mg curcumin extrakt

(95% curcuminoid: Demethoxycurcumin, Bisdemethoxycurcumin, Curcumin + Turmerin peptid)

50 mg L-Carnitine

60 mg Koenzym Q10

5 mg Piperin extrakt 96%

Vegetable Capsule - Edible Gelatin.

Balanca Advanced Probiotic 60 caps - 1 package

L. Fermentum ME-3 + Probiotic complex (11 billion CFU): L. acidophilus, B. lactis, L. rhamnosus, B. breve, L. bulgaricus, L. plantarum, L. casei, L. lactis, B. bifidum, S. thermophilus, L. Paracasei, inulin, zinc citrate - 5 mg, calcium stearate, capsule - edible gelatin. The activity - 11 billion CFU.

You can read more about each natural supplements on our website (see the catalog). All natural remedies are NOT A MEDICINE.
Not a substitute for a natural diet. Assertions about properties are based on open scientific sources and cite studies conducted on individual ingredients (PubMed, WebMD, Sciencedirect). They should not be taken as statements about the healing properties of the program.

NutriDetoks - focus on the condition of the intestinal mucosa, microflora, replenishment of vitamins and minerals:

Psyllium, a high-quality seed powder of Indian plantain seeds, is the world's No. 1 natural dietary supplement for relieving constipation and irritated bowels.

It is included in diets for irritable bowel syndrome and all problems associated with stool disorders. It consists of special plant fibers.
When it is mixed with water and gastric juice, it increases in volume by several times, forms a gel-like structure, therefore it moves very gently along the digestive tract, carries with it the products of decay, decay and fermentation, cleanses the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

It helps the growth of friendly microflora, normalizes intestinal motility, eliminates gas formation, flatulence, bloating, heals microtraumas on the walls of internal organs.

The indigestible and digestible dietary fiber of psyllium binds fats and helps to remove them along with by-products of the digestive process, excess mucus.

As a result, food begins to move more quickly and evenly through the digestive tract, is better digested, and vitamins, minerals, amino acids contained in spirulina and chlorella are effectively absorbed in the intestine.

Own microflora has the opportunity to help the mucous membranes get rid of chronic inflammation, the intestines are freed from “blockages”, which reduces the general intoxication of the body.

Spirulina - microalgae: protein content of more than 60%, as well as: gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), linoleic acid (LA), stearidonic acid (SDA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA). Vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinamide), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin E. Spirulina is a source of potassium, chromium, calcium, copper , iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, selenium and zinc. It contains many pigments, such as beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, type A chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll, as you know, helps to activate cellular respiration, cell renewal, normalization of antiviral, antitumor, antimicrobial immunity. Helps reduce allergic mood, normalizes metabolism, hormonal levels.

Chlorella is a unique microalgae that is a source of carotene, vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, C, provitamin D, K, PP, E, folic acid, biotin. The dry biomass of algae contains up to 55% protein, 30-35% carbohydrates (most of which are dietary fiber), up to 10% lipids (80% of them are unsaturated fatty acids), more than 10% of minerals. Chlorella protein contains several tens of essential amino acids! On the planet, no other such plant culture has been identified that would contain vitamins and minerals in such quantities. The high nutritional ability of chlorella is undeniable. Also unique is the ability to remove heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, lead, aluminum, etc.), and to cleanse the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. This algae activates regenerative processes, strengthens the immune system, supports the growth of friendly microflora and the functioning of the intestinal lymphoid apparatus. This is confirmed by numerous scientific studies.

Cayenne pepper - the most famous, oldest natural remedy. It is used to activate anti-inflammatory mechanisms in the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, inhibit the activity of fungi, Helicobacter pylori, other pathogenic microorganisms, and cleanse parasites.

The enzyme papain is a plant proteolytic and anti-inflammatory enzyme enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of proteins, peptides, amides and esters of basic amino acids. It also activates the breakdown of microbial films, facilitates the release of toxins, especially if there is a large amount of animal protein in the diet and contributes to the high-quality assimilation of the protein.

Inulin - fructooligosaccharides from Jerusalem artichoke, an indispensable substance that promotes the growth of friendly microflora in the intestine.

Ziflanium - a focus on liver support and the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates

Artichoke extract is a natural hepatoprotector that affects the structure of bile, through this also the structure of cholesterol. Consistently reduces total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL or “bad”) cholesterol.

Also, this effect, when taken for at least 1 month, was studied in the presence of simultaneously elevated blood sugar levels.
The pronounced antioxidant and protective potential of artichoke extract against hepatocytes has been confirmed. The improvement in the flow of bile also explains the effect on the work of the stomach during reflux and on irritated intestines. It prevents the thickening of bile and the subsequent formation of gallstones.

Dandelion extract - studies show an increase in the activity of antioxidants in the liver with respect to the water extract, including catalase, glutathione S-transferase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase.

With it, you can protect cells from lipid peroxidation - the main mechanism of damage to hepatocytes. Separate tests show the difference in the effectiveness of water and alcohol extracts and that, against the background of supplementing nutrition with dandelion root extract, the liver is less exposed to attacks when taking alcohol.

The liver is an organ capable of self-healing, therefore it is important to simply provide protection and comfortable working conditions for it. In natural medicine, an extract from dandelion roots is also used to control blood sugar levels and to prevent the formation of gallstones.

Alpha-lipoic acid - is contained in a food dosage, but nevertheless the most valuable tool for the correction of metabolic processes (fat and carbohydrate metabolism), protection of the pancreas from damage. As well as coenzyme Q10, it helps to get enough energy for the functioning of cells and their natural renewal.

Liver support is a basic need of a modern person. Since the body has 32 functions: it is responsible for the neutralization of fat-soluble toxins, it also produces bile for digestion, participates in the metabolism of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, hormones (testosterone and estrogen), etc.

The liver is sensitive to damage by toxins that enter it from the intestine: with food and as a result of defective digestion of non-useful products, environmental pollutants, microbial toxins including with impaired intestinal microflora, infections, to taking medications, especially hormones, antibiotics, statins, antidepressants, painkillers, alcohol.
With stagnation of bile on the background of biliary dyskinesia, violation of the shape of the gallbladder, not only the liver, but also the pancreas suffers. The diagnosis of fatty liver degeneration by ultrasound in 30-40% of adults over the age of 40 years. Increased bilirubin in Gilbert's disease - more than 20% of Europeans.

Even small malfunctions of the liver work imperceptible on ultrasound and in the analyzes lead primarily to increased fatigue, prevent recovery during sleep, provoke a risk of allergies, increased cholesterol and blood sugar, blood thickens, headaches develop, and liver spots form on the skin.

With stagnation of bile in 100% of cases, digestion is disturbed and it is not possible to establish the intestinal microflora, which means that immunity is not maintained at a stable level.

Since the body is the key, its support is given such importance in the "Premium Program".

Curcuminum Q10 complex - focus on tissue cleansing, antioxidant effect and restoration of cell energy.

Curcumin is a bioactive extract of turmeric. In relation to the benefits of curcuminoids Demethoxycurcumin, Bisdemethoxycurcumin, Curcumin + Turmerin peptid, several dozen studies in the field of oncology have been carried out and the anti-inflammatory effect has also been confirmed.

Studies conducted over the past few decades have shown that it is non-toxic and promising for use in various cases, such as Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease heart and atherosclerosis, parasitic and fungal infections.

Coenzyme Q10 - another name for ubiquinone - is a fat-soluble substance, mainly present in the mitochondria, the energy centers of every cell in our body. Ubiquinone is an essential component of the electron transfer chain and takes part in oxidative phosphorylation - cell cleansing. The maximum content of Coenzyme Q10 in organs with the highest energy needs, for example, in the heart and liver. Its level in the body has a direct impact on physical and mental performance, cell recovery after illness, the level of resistance to infections and the rate of aging. For the discovery of the role of coenzyme in cell energy in 1978, the Nobel Prize was awarded.

Bioperin (piperine) - 96% black pepper extract. The benefits of piperine have been known for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medical practice. It enhances the absorption of various substances in the intestine, including increases the bioavailability of curcumin and coenzyme. In addition, the possibility was studied of black pepper extract to activate energy production from fatty substances, participate in the regulation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulate intestinal motility and reduce the level of inflammation in the intestinal mucosa and the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, and regulate the level of allergic manifestations.

L-carnitine is an amino acid with the most studied mechanism for increasing cell viability and the regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. In 1962, its role was clarified: carnitine transfers long-chain fatty acids to mitochondria through the inner membrane of the latter so that they can undergo a cycle of transformations with the participation of Coenzyme Q10 and in the end the fatty substances are converted into pure energy.

The synthesis of levocarnitine in the body requires the participation of vitamins C, B3, B6, B9, B12, iron, as well as amino acids lysine, methionine (as a source of methyl groups) and the activity of a number of enzymes. Therefore, sometimes it can be reduced, which provokes a syndrome of chronic fatigue, especially if the body is also susceptible to chronic intoxication due to poor liver and intestines, stress and increased stress.

Most often, carnitine is used in sports, fitness, to maintain high performance and weight loss programs. But competent cardiologists and endocrinologists are well aware of what recovery results can be achieved with the combined use of high-quality L-carnitine and

Coenzyme Q10 in the complex system for coronary heart disease, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, arrhythmia, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis.

Balanca Advanced probiotic - reloading intestinal microflora:

Microencapsulation technology is used, thanks to it, bacteria are less sensitive to fatty acids and gastric juice and enter the intestines intact.

Balansa Advanced Probiotic

Is used in the Premium program to normalize digestion, naturally strengthen immunity, harmonize metabolism, and support high performance. It is no secret that both good and harmful bacteria, which are constantly at war, live in the human body. The total weight of bacteria in our body is about 3 kilograms! These are the trillions of living microorganisms that interact with us.

Therefore, it is so important that beneficial bacteria are always in the majority.

Recent studies of modern European and American scientists confirm that harmonization of microflora can affect problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and constipation, atopic dermatitis, colitis, gallstones, autoimmune processes, high cholesterol and diabetes, depression and fatigue , Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's.
In one capsule Balansa. Advanced Probiotic contains 11 billion colony-forming bacteria from twelve active strains. The bacteria are freeze dried, which allows you to maintain their quality even at room temperature.

Target Balansa. Advanced Probiotic - lead to self-regulation of the microbiota of the whole organism (the entire set of bacteria in the body). First of all, reload the intestinal microflora (75% of all bacteria in our body), due to which the microflora associated with it will be more correctly formed - on the skin, upper respiratory tract, on the oral mucous membranes, in the urinary tract and the bacterial environment in women.

The task of rebiosis is to suppress the activity of pathogenic flora and create conditions for the revitalization of friendly bacteria. Those cultures that are part of the probiotic also give way to "innate" microflora.

More information can be found on the microflora recovery page.

In the morning (15-20 minutes before meals): NutriDetoks. 1 \ 3-1 teaspoon of powder, pour a glass of clean water, stir, drink quickly.

At breakfast: 1 capsule Curcuminum Q10 complex + 1 capsule Ziflanium.

In the morning, again 1 capsule of Curcuminum Q10 complex + Ziflanium.

In the evening: Balance. Advanced Probiotic 2 capsules.

The course is 30 days. NutriDetox can also be used at the end of the course every day to support digestion and increase efficiency.

After opening the Balance. Advanced probiotic should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

Nutrition during the cleansing process:

You will achieve a greater effect if you limit the amount of fatty and meat foods, alcohol, flour, milk, products containing unnatural dyes and preservatives, flavorings.

It is recommended to select a dose of NutriDetoksa with constipation or irritated intestines: gradually increase.

Do not use without specialist advice after bowel surgery and with complete obstruction.

When taking any cleanser, it is always necessary to increase the amount of clean water drunk! Drink at least 1 liter of water throughout the day.

Does not replace the main diet. It is not used as food for preschool children, pregnant and lactating.

The components of the program do not contain dyes, flavors, preservatives or other artificial ingredients.

Application does not cancel the diagnosis and treatment by a doctor.

After using the Premium program for 30 days, you can evaluate your well-being.

The uniqueness of the "Sokolinsky System" is that it is not a set of separate tools, but a consistent program of supplementing food with important ingredients. Therefore, we understand that you may have your own reasons for starting the course and it’s not always just prevention

When you have problems with weakened immunity, you can then use the "Immunity Reboot Program"

If you have previously had difficulty with bowel function, continue the “Digestion Support Program” for another 30 days and do not stop drinking NutriDetox.

For anti-stress support, increase of working capacity, concentration of attention and quality of sleep, the “Nervous system and sleep support program” can be further applied.
There are times when you need faster protection of nerve cells from damage (overwork and distress lead to illness). Then add the Restartium Antistress to the detox program in the first month

With diabetes, metabolic syndrome, high cholesterol, overweight, it can be useful to continue the same course as the Premium Program for another 30 days, while not forgetting to follow a diet.

From autumn to spring, it is also wise to take Omega-3 acids from fish oil (1 g per day) to support proper metabolism and immunity.

Can this course be repeated?

Curcuminum Q10 Complex can be drunk 1 capsule daily for up to 6 consecutive months to support anti-inflammatory mechanisms.

NutriDetox is recommended to be added to smoothies or drunk with water constantly 3-4 times a week to support digestion and the level of vitamins and minerals.

If for some reason you took antibiotics, after them repeat 60 days of taking the Balance. Advanced Probiotic

Full detox can be repeated after 6 months.

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