Dr.Sokolinsky naturopathic system
Use natural remedies with understanding
Delivery in Europe

Who is the author of the Sokolinsky System. Why you can trust him?

SokolinskycenterVladimir Sokolinsky, MSc is the author of a health care system for busy modern people. Nutritionist, balneologist, specialist in the field of rehabilitation. Practical experience - more than 25 years, with breaks in administrative work in the field of healthcare organization. The master's degree in balneology and rehabilitation is confirmed by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.

Education - medical, doctor of naturopathy (ND), MSc in the organization of spa treatment and rehabilitation. Primary specialization "Ambulance and emergency care". Vice President of the European Academy of Evidence-Based Naturopathy.

The author of 11 books, a member of the National Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians, the European Association of Natural Medicine, the American Association of Practicing Nutritionists, the International Scientific Society of Medical Elementology, a representative of the World Organization of Thermal Medicine in the Czech Republic.

About 170,000 people have subscribed to his YouTube video channel.

Since 2002 he is the head of the Center for Health Recipes in St. Petersburg. In 2013 he also created the Sokolinsky Center in Prague. He developed a unique system for restoring self-regulation of health through cleansing the body and replenishing energy levels, stabilizing the nervous system, supporting immunity, blood circulation and microbiomes (microflora). It is based on classical physiology and biochemistry which takes into account the latest discoveries in microbiology, psychosomatics, and the extraction of useful nutrients in food.

First of all, “System” is intended for successful and intelligent people who want to work hard and travel, play sports, raise their children without being distracted by illnesses.

Professional philosophy of the author of the Sokolinsky System:

You need to influence the reasons of illness. An intelligent and busy person should not influence the consequences in the form of symptoms, but the causes of the dysbalance.

Do not let diseases control our lives. The goal is not to be forever healthy, but to not depend on medical care for as long as possible.

Our body is capable of self-regulation. It is necessary to restore the mechanisms of work of organs and systems that are disturbed as a result of stress, malnutrition, self-poisoning by modern chemistry.

Focus on the essentials. Get rid of intoxication, normalize digestion, the state of the nervous system, cleanse the body of infections and have a sufficient level of energy, and other health issues will no longer be significant.

Human health depends largely on his state of mind (therefore, Vladimir Sokolinsky is currently receiving his second higher education at the Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris)

Health cannot be bought and cannot be guaranteed. But if we already use something to strengthen it, then it should be logical, studied, safe and natural. You can “buy experience” and a holistic understanding of the processes occurring inside the body, instead of using individual vitamins, herbs and other substances. You need to appeal to those who not only write articles, but help people for many years.

The recipe for use is no less important than the tool itself. It is important that the natural remedy was not only useful, but also applied correctly - in combination with what can help it to show its properties.

The natural approach is the choice of a reasonable and successful person. The load level of an active modern person is so high that the recipe for not drinking, not smoking and not eating chips is no longer working. Intoxication and stress destroy the health of even those who sit on a diet and run. But you can protect yourself from overloads and energy can be restored - by natural means.

Own formulas

Natural products developed by Vladimir Sokolinsky for the European program are produced specifically for the Center in Prague. At present, 5 own natural remedies are produced. The rest are carefully selected. All produced in Europe.

Just a small amount of those natural formulas allow to support self-regulation of basic physiological processes.

This simplifies the use of our products for those who value time. By working directly with the manufacturer provides 100% quality control.

Family approach to business

Wife Vera Sokolinskaya - a permanent business partner, often answers your technical questions about organizing the course by phone. She is an artist, her paintings and stained glass windows decorated the Center in St. Petersburg. Exhibitions of her paintings were held in Montecatini Terme, Prague, Mariánské Lázně. Married for 25 years. Three children. The grandson is 10 years old.

Daughter Veronika Ivanova - delivery manager, with love and respect she is taking care of each package. She is also the author of more than 100 video lectures about our methodology, which you can see on the YouTube channel. At the momets is studying art history at the University of Olomouc.


Now when you know more about the author of the Sokolinsky System and his approach, it will be easier for you to listen to the recommendations and use them in practice!

Consultation on the Sokolinsky System

Are you used to an individual approach? Make your own course tailored to your specifics with the help of an expert!

Consult for advice. It is available on Skype, WhatsApp, Viber in any country.

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